Enron Mail

To:s..bradford@enron.com, rick.buy@enron.com
Subject:RE: Transactional Finance
Date:Tue, 18 Sep 2001 23:42:31 -0700 (PDT)

I think owning the process and being the 'font of knowledge' regarding the =
right and wrong application of these products is THE issue. We constantly =
get the yadda, yadda..."its insured" or its "secured", or "we only have X$ =
exposure" then it turns out its not. Groups like Dave Marshall's, Peter Ab=
do, and the legal staff tend to be good sources of ideas and contacts, but =
somehow the responsibility for the decisions seems to fall to RAC. Ironica=
lly, we currently are the least capitalized to make those kinds of decision=
s. Classic examples of places we do not have enough credibility are in the=
history and anecdotes regarding claims made and enforced or not. Nothing =
like a few war stories that are verifiable by outside sources to strengthen=
our argument. While your and my instincts would probably suffice for the 8=
0% solution, this seems to be a painful road at Enron, especially when the =
targets are so big. We need to arm the managers and directors in RAC with =
enough information to be persuasive in steering transactions in one directi=
on or another.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bradford, William S.=20
Sent: 19 September 2001 03:14
To: Murphy, Ted; Buy, Rick
Subject: RE: Transactional Finance

Sounds like a great idea to get together and discuss. We definitely need t=
o own this process. I am not sure Marshall or the orignation team has much=
understanding of the true value of this from of credit risk syndication. =
We have reviewed some of these policies in the past and enforcing claims is=
not as clean as cash or l/c's. Legal opinion was not very favorable in th=
e past either. I am not sure how much of this we should do and what preced=
ent it sets for the rest of our portfolio. If we do any it should be centr=
alized on predictable credit exposures (A/R or annuities) and not volatile =
MTM exposures. =20
That being said, we have big targets in ugly credit markets which will requ=
ire we take on some more risk. An insurance policy is better than nothing =
but lets make sure McMahon understands that comparables to credit policies =
for the gas and power market is not relevant when his business is clearly d=

-----Original Message-----=20
From: Murphy, Ted=20
Sent: Tue 9/18/2001 1:07 PM=20
To: Buy, Rick; Bradford, William S.=20
Subject: Transactional Finance

The steel team (Bruce Garner et al) here is considering a credit insurance =
product to support their sales into uk market. Paul Maley, who is from the=
insurance world, has been part of the discussions and believes that there =
is a viable product for a portion of the business. Not a fix for long-date=
d mark-to-market exposure out of Russia, but probably could release some cr=
edit capacity for sales to weak industry names on a delivered/unpaid basis =
into first world legal environments. A bit pricey but may be less expensiv=
e on a per $ basis if lots of transactions. He has been in touch with Davi=
d Marshall in Global Risk Managment (Houston Insurance guy). I suggested t=
hat Paul and I get together with you guys to go through in some detail. T=
his is encouraging that people are working on such things, but it would be =
great if we set the pace and organized the process. Speak to you tomorrow =
or Thurs.
