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Subject:Standard & Poor's Risk Solutions announces new Trade Receivable
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 08:56:13 -0700 (PDT)

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Outsourcing potential in trade receivables encourages S&P into the market

Recognizing the ever growing need for greater operating efficiencies in the trade receivables market, Standard & Poor's Risk Solutions has created a new initiative to develop products and services to assist companies wishing to outsource their credit function. The market, estimated at $75 trillion globally, has a high transaction volume and a costly credit approval process, driving companies to look externally for solutions to increase efficiencies.

"For any company currently in the trade receivables market, credit processes are too slow, manually intensive and limited in scope, " says Roy Taub, executive managing director of Standard & Poor's Risk Solutions. "Standard & Poor's has the capabilities, expertise and systems in place to deliver an efficient, on-line, short-term credit analysis service."

The new initiative, led by a Santa Fe, NM based team, will provide clients with an end-to-end solution to manage the trade receivable cycle; including tools for origination, portfolio management and securitization. Recently, Standard & Poor's acquired the flagship trade receivable management system from Credit2B. "With this new capability, Standard & Poor's Risk Solutions can offer tools to help clients measure and manage credit risk exposure across the full spectrum of maturities," said Camilo Gomez, PhD, managing director of Standard & Poor's new team and formerly Vice President of data and analytics at Credit2B, a company he helped start.

In addition to serving direct sellers, the trade receivable management system will also help financial institutions involved in trade receivables to manage their portfolios of receivables and, as an Application Service Provider (ASP) solution, will allow them to provide services to their clients. "By leveraging the Credit2B assets with Standard & Poor's own expertise in asset securitization, we can provide sellers with a one-stop solution to assess the risk they take with trade receivables, help monitor it on a continual basis and provide financial institutions with the tools to develop customized financial products for their customers." said Dr. Gomez.

The new service will add to the existing quantitative capabilities from Risk Solutions, including: CreditModel ? in Europe, North America and Japan, an exclusive Default Filter license with IQ Financial in Asia, default and recovery data and analysis and an expanded quantitative staff in both London and New York.

Risk Solutions, www.risksolutions.standardandpoors.com <http://www.risksolutions.standardandpoors.com/<;, the customized credit risk services arm of Standard & Poor's, provides customized credit risk solutions, models and data to help clients manage their risk. If you have any further questions about Risk Solutions, or if a colleague would like to be added to our mailing list, please write to us at risksolutions@standardandpoors.com <mailto:risksolutions@standardandpoors.com< and include your full contact information.

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Standard & Poor's