Enron Mail

To:sheila.walton@enron.com, philippe.bibi@enron.com
Subject:Re: Back in the saddle again...
Date:Thu, 21 Dec 2000 00:32:00 -0800 (PST)

I have no idea who sent me this message. I did not like the sound of the name
so I forwarded it to both of you. It is not a pornographic e-mail but I the
name sounds funny. FYI. Trying to stay out of trouble. Rick
---------------------- Forwarded by Rick Buy/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 08:28 AM

Pornlert <pornlert@loxinfo.co.th< on 12/21/2000 08:31:34 AM
To: James_R_Easter@reliantenergy.com, Michael.L.Brown@enron.com,
gwynn.gorsuch@enron.com, jamesrow@pdq.net, Rick.Buy@enron.com,
David_Chang@enron.net, Kim_Godfrey@enron.net, jshopley@wilrossandco.com,
julieann.kelly@gecapital.com, kara_knop@enron.net, nikhil_shah@enron.net,
Stephen_m_flynn@bankone.com, karissajohnson@hotmail.com,
Edward.smida@enron.com, mpopkin@enron.com, paul.adair@enron.com,
David.a.terlip@enron.com, jambler@enron.com
Subject: Re: Back in the saddle again...

Dear All,
It is a pleasant surprise to receive a message from Jim that he is back in
Houston again. It reminds me of the days with Enron. Coincidentally, I have
heard that Enron office in Bangkok will be completely closed at the end of
the year. Thai market is just not sophisticated enough for Enron. I still
hope that this great company will come back to my country again perhaps
when the power pool becomes a reality. The people I met still asked me
about Enron. Even during the annual economic seminar hosted by the US
embassy in Septemder this year, one of the speaker from the US has cited
Enron as an example of how good a company from the old economy has adopted
to the new environment,by trading broad band anb offer risk hedging
instruments on line,etc. Apparently, Enron does have some fans here.
I, myself, will assume the position of managing director of the Post
publishing Company, the owner of Bangkok Post newspaper as from the
first of February next year. In the mean time I busy myself as the
financial advisor to the City of Bangkok, handling some debt restructuring
for a living (including one steel plate mill), and exchange gossip on power
and telecom projects as hobbies.
If I might be useful to you, please do not hesitate to contact me at this
e-mail address: pornlert@loxinfo.co.th, fax (662)7193513, or Mob.(661)8590021.
Hoping to see some of you again,
Merry X'mas and Happy New Year,