Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Analyst & Associate Program - e-Speak Invitation from Billy
Date:Thu, 10 May 2001 11:23:22 -0700 (PDT)

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X-To: Bland Jr., Ted C. </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Tbland<
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Since you are in charge of career development- I want to be President, soon=
. Seriously, you should probably meet with me or some of the group leaders =
in RAC so you have a clear picture (in case you don't) of what we do. I'd b=
e happy to meet with you as would Dave Gorte. Let me know if this would be =
valuable for you. Tx Rick
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Levingston, Maxine E. =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, May 09, 2001 3:02 PM
To:=09Allen, Phillip; Rangel, Ina; Shaw, Eric; Tibbs, Kathy; Barker-Bennett=
, Robina; Kelsey, Jo; Garland, Kevin; Rushing, Rebekah; Shively, Hunter S.;=
Staley, Stuart; Parker, Candace; Deffner, Joseph; Angelos, Megan; Buy, Ric=
k; Heathman, Karen K.; Derrick Jr., James; Harris, Stephanie J; Glisan, Ben=
; Dauterive, Inez; Kean, Steven; McVicker, Maureen; Koenig, Mark; Grow, Chr=
istina; Lay, Kenneth; Fleming, Rosalee; Wells, Tori; Metts, Mark; Fisher, D=
olores; Olson, Cindy; Bob, Vanessa; Pai, Lou; Owens, Karen; Sherrick, Jeffr=
ey; Bolen, Vivianna; Hawkins, Linda; Skilling, Jeff; Williamson, Joannie; D=
orsey, Billy; Fastow, Andrew; Maronge, Bridget; Causey, Richard; Westbrook,=
Sharron; Bibi, Philippe A.; McCurley, Peggy; Bowen Jr., Raymond; Schiller,=
Marsha; Cline, Wade; Paxton, Jana; Gadade, Mrudula; Frevert, Mark; Daw, Ni=
cki; Hughes, James A.; Blackwood, Connie; Schoppe, Tammie; Lavorato, John; =
Hillis, Kimberly; McConnell, Mike; Phillips, Cathy; McDonald, Rebecca; Brel=
sford, Loretta; McMahon, Jeffrey; Ford, Sue; Spiller, Tina; Shankman, Jeffr=
ey A.; Burns, Jennifer; Sherriff, John; Urquhart, Lauren; Whalley, Greg; Ta=
ylor, Liz; Blachman, Jeremy; Dick, Sharon; Chapman, Kay; Dietrich, Janet; L=
eff, Dan; Hinojosa, Esmeralda; Muller, Mark; Davidson, Binky; Scrimshaw, Ma=
tthew; Ferrari, Kerry; Sunde, Marty; Moffett, Carol; Cox, David; Fallon, Ji=
m; Hayslett, Rod; Campos, Kathy; Horton, Stanley; Stark, Cindy; McCarty, Da=
nny; Armstrong, Julie; Delainey, David; Ahmed, Ali; Ahmed, Syed; Ahn, Chris=
; Alatorre, Carlos; Almy, Matthew; Ames, Chuck; Anderson, Jonathan; Andrews=
, Travis; Araoz, Jaime; Arefieva, Maria; Ashby, Kevin; Ashmore, Garrett; Ba=
gwell, Jennifer; Bakondy, James; Baldwin, Thomas; Balmaceda, Andres; Barima=
n, Bora; Bass, Eric; Baukney, Scott; Bawa, Mo; Benchluch, Moises; Benitez, =
Gerardo; Benjelloun, Hicham; Benke, Shelia; Bennett, Peter; Berry, Philip; =
Berryman, Kyle; Little, Kelli; Blackburn, Nate; Blakely, Brian; Blanchard, =
Timothy; Bouvier, Sebastian; Braddock, Billy; Breen, Erika; Brenner, Ursula=
; Bryce, Samantha; Bucalo, Harry; Bui, Hang; Burk, Bart; Buss, Jeremy; Cabr=
ales, Juan; Calvert, Gray; Caplan, Ilan; Cardenas, Catalina; Carlson, Tobin=
; Carroll, Lex; Case, David; Causholli, Monika; Cavazos, Brandon; Chavez, G=
abriel; Chenoweth, Christopher; Choi, John; Chunchu, Shilpa; Causholli, Mon=
ika; Cohen, Brian; Cole, Jim; Collins, Dustin; Compean, Karla; Connolly, Li=
sa; Conterno, Roberto; Contreras, Carlos; Cooper, Clarissa; Corbacho, Sebas=
tian; Cornett, Justin; Cowan, Beth; Crook, Jody; Davidson, Julie; Day, Aman=
da; Deane, Ryan; Dolezal, Regan; Donaldson, Ivan; Duong, Duc; Dupre, David =
P.; Durst, Philip; Dwivedi, Vikas; Dyar, Teresa; Dyk, Russell; Edmonds, Mar=
cus; El-Azzi, Zeina; Eller, Erik; Enochian, Sam; Eriksson, Fredrik; Escueta=
, Tricia; Estrada, Israel; Falcone, Daniel; Feather, Dan; Feitler, Eric; Fe=
rrara, Julie; Ferrell, Daniel; Figueroa, Chris; Fitzwater, Loftus; Foley, N=
eithard; Fortunov, Gallin; Francis, Marsha; Frank, Matthew; Freeman, Ben; F=
rolov, Yevgeny; Frost, David; Fuller, Robert; Gaither, Edmund; Gandhi, Sach=
in; Gandy, Mark; Ganjoo, Shalesh; Garcia, Santiago; Gautam, Millie; Gay, Ra=
ndall; Gelin, Elberg; Gil, Eduardo; Gillette, Lisa; Gonzalez, Martin; Gonza=
lez, Selena; Goodpastor, Sarah; Gordon, John; Gordon, Joe; Gorricho, Carlos=
; Gregory, Paul; Griffin, Khristina; Griffin, Scott; Gross, Michelle; Gugge=
nheim, Victor; Guillaume, David; Guilmino, Brad; Guo, Jin; Ha, Amie; Hall, =
Kreg; Ham, Roshena; Hamlin, Mason; Hammond, Pearce; Harrison, Tyrell; Harve=
y, Damon; Hatten, Micah; Haufrect, Brian; Hausinger, Sharon; Hawthorn, Jay;=
Hendon, Brian; Henriquez, Cybele; Hernandez, Alejandro; Hernandez, Ana Mar=
ia; Herrmann, Karen; Hill, Veronica; Hinze, Ryan; Hirsh, Steve; Hochschild,=
Lenny; Hoff, Jonathan; Hoskins, Brian; Hospeti, Savithri; Howton, John; Hu=
an, George; Huang, Ted; Hudson, John; Hull, Bryan; Hyde, Chris; Iyengar, Ra=
chana; Jachimiak, Matthew; Jackson, Alton; Jacobellis, Steve; Jain, Avinash=
; Jaisinghani, Priya; Jantz, Chris; Jeanmard, Petual; Jefferson, Shereka; J=
ens, Felipe; John, Mary; Johnson, Gillian; Johnson, Heather A.; Johnston, E=
lizabeth; Jones, Brad; Junus, David; Justice, Gary; Kang, Daniel; Kasravi, =
Key; Kelley, Russell T.; KELLY, MICHAEL; Khandker, Dayem; Khleif, Samar; Kh=
oja, Ali; Kiani-Aslani, John; Kiehne, Sean; Kim, Grace; Kimble, Stephanie; =
King, John; King, Melanie; Koenig, Colleen; Kolle, Brian; Kolman, Michael; =
Konur, Sanjay; Kose, Ahmet; Koskas, Ethel; Kulic, Sladana-Anna; Kulkarni, V=
ikram; La rose, Simone; Lalji, Farouk; Landivar, Erwin; Landry, Chad; Lang,=
John; Lassander, Richard; Lee, Kyu-Bong; Lenci, Enrique; Lenhart, Matthew;=
Lewis, Barry; Li, Javier; Liamidi, Fatimata; Lin, Homer; Liu, Ying; Lo, Je=
remy; Loehr, Chris; Loosley, David; Lucas, Kate; Luna, Brandon; Luu, Diana;=
Mahajan, Ashish; Mallory, Chris; Maloney, Darren; Maniar, Aamir; Marks, Ja=
mes; Marolo, Massimo; Martin, Greg; Martinez, Posey; Martinsen, Aaron; Mary=
e, David; Maskell, David; Mauritzen, Brad; McCarroll, Zachary; McClain, Jen=
nifer; McIntyre, Kelley; Mcquade, Jennifer; Meigs, Mark; Mena, Luis; Mercha=
nt, Lane; Messer, Bruno; Miller, Shaleen; Milliner, Christine; Monroy, Gabr=
iel; Montana, Henry; Mora, Mauricio; Morris, Jeremy; Mu, Di; Mujica, Mitra;=
Mujumdar, Ravi; Nagwani, Murli; Naik, Abhijeet; Nash, Clifford; Natarajan,=
Meera; Nekrasova, Irina; Nelson, Kourtney; O'Malley, Justin; O'Rourke, Rya=
n; Oh, Seung-Taek; Oladeji, Olalekan; Olsen, Michael; Ospina, Felipe; Ozcan=
, Banu; Paipanandiker, Chetan; Pak, Samuel; Palczer, Nicole; Parent, Alli; =
Patel, Adnan; Patel, Purvi; Patel, Sanjay; Patel, Sheetal; Pathak, Neeran; =
Patton, Stacy; Paysse, Juan Carlos; Pazos, Juan; Pehlivanova, Biliana; Penn=
ix, Chad; Pereira, Hans Oliver; Perinne, Albane; Pernot, Catherine; Peters,=
Elizabeth; Pham, Binh; Piazze, Tara; Pielop, Jonathon; Pinckney, Terrance;=
Piotrowski, Joseph; Plauche, Stephen; Polsky, Phil; Poulson, Marc; Pyke, J=
im; Quigley, Dutch; Quinn, Kristin; Qureishi, Ibrahim; Rainer, Eva; Rance, =
Susan; Rank, Sabina; Ratliff, Beau; Ray, Stanton; Rehman, Shiraz; Reitmeyer=
, Jay; Renaud, Lindsay; Reside, Jennifer; Reyes, Pauline; Rhee, Margaret; R=
hodes, Eric; Richey, Cooper; Rodrigue, Robin; Rogers, Benjamin; Rohmer, Gis=
selle; Roman, Ace; Rorschach, Reagan; Ross, Derrick; Rostant, Justin; Roume=
l, Jonathan; Rylander, TJ; Saenz, Angela; Salisbury, Holden; Sampson, Zacha=
ry; Samudio, Juan; Sanchez, Monique; Schiavone, Paul; Schlesinger, Lauren; =
Schlueter, Mark; Schultz, Amanda; Schultz, Ethan; Scott, Eric; Scott, Susan=
M.; Seaworth, Douglas; 'michael_seely@enron.net'; Segura, Stephanie; Seksa=
ria, Rahul; Sexton, Anthony; Shah, Nikhil; Shulklapper, Ken; Shupe, Jacob; =
Sidler, Shirley; Siegel, Adam; Simmons, Michael; Singh, Inderpal; Smith, Je=
nnifer Marie; Smith, Reginald; Snyder, Jeffrey; Solberg, Geir; Sonesson, Ma=
rtin; Soykok, Gulay; Sprott, Kendell; St. John, William; Steinbrueck, Brian=
; Stephens, Leah; Stewart, Jennifer N.; Stoiani, Valter; Sun, Li; Surface, =
Jerald; Swanson, Blake; Synnott, Ryan; TAYLOR, JAMES; Taylor, Sarah; Tefel,=
Maria; Tellis, Claude; Terhune, Kendra; Terp, Brian; Thakkar, Ami; Thibode=
aux, Ryan; Thomas, George; Thomason, Benjamin; Thome, Jennifer; Thompkins, =
Jason; Thompson, Justyn; Thrasher, Jodi; Tian, Yuan; Titova, Marina; To, Ci=
ndi; Trejo, Mauricio; Troupe, Eboni; Vasquez, Miguel; Vegalara, Mateo; Vele=
z, Luis; Versen, Victoria; Wagner, Vincent; Walker, Rebecca; Wang, Chu Chu;=
Wang, Jun; Ward, Peter; Watts, Christopher; Weakly, John; Weaver, Sara; We=
ldon, V Charles; Wheeler, Robert; Whitehead, James; Wickman, Charles; Wiese=
pape, Jason; Will, Nathan; Williams, Bryan; Williams, Datren; Willis, Erin;=
Winfrey, Travis; Wininger, James; Wolfe, Tony; Womack, Kim; Wood, Brian; W=
oolcock, Adrian; Worthing, Ashley; Woster, Dorothy; 'Wu, Allan'; Wussow, Ch=
risty; Yeboah, Richard; Yzquierdo, Raul; Zadorozhny, Roman; Zhang, Michelle=
; 'lena_zhu@enron.net'; Anai, Rousseau; Bibb, Akasha R.; Koepke, Gwyn; Mast=
rangelo, Lino; Nguyen, Michael; Rosa, Robert; Saadia, Danielle; Sabine, Mar=
c; Saha, Rajib; South, Chad; Thordardottir, Steinunn; 'bwillia5@enron.com';=
Wong, Michael; Wu, Nelson; Woolgar, Catherine; Herrera, Fernando; Lemmons =
Jr., Billy; Levingston, Maxine E.; Warner, Traci; Bland Jr., Ted C.; Bosien=
, Teresa; Charles, Constance; Lebeau, Paul; Franklin, Chenee'; Gandy, Krist=
in; Martin, Anita; Herasimchuk, Alyse; Barnes, Valarie; Elliott, Lexi; Mier=
tschin, Beth; Jones, Donna; Taylor, Corina; Johnson, Shawna; Walt, John; Le=
wsen, Patrick; Jenkins, Alicia; Giovannini, Jana; Butler, Shelly; Richards,=
Andrea; Jones, Lisa; Davis, Karen; Stewart, Bradley; Gordon, Althea; Payto=
n, Patricia; Lira, Cathy; Gray, Gwendolyn; Torres, Rebecca; Brown, Ivonne; =
Coleman, Jacqueline; Harris, Bradford; Davis, Jeff D.; Arteaga, Airam; Caus=
ey, Richard; McMahon, Kathy; Sera, Sherri; Kitchen, Louise; Piper, Greg; Ha=
nnon, Kevin; Brown, Carol Ann; Adams, Jennifer; Elliott, Steve; Rijo, Leah;=
Marshall, Lucy; Rice, Ken; Dalton, Dorothy; Brown, Carol Ann; Alviar, Hect=
or; Baker, Marilyn; Chen, Will; Chettiar, Rajesh; Chow, Kenneth; Coffing, T=
imothy; Dawson, Jeremy; Day, Justin; Driscoll, Michael M.; Waste Control, =
Welsh; Waste Control, Welsh; Emmons, Suzette; Gonzalez, Gabriel; Gray, Jef=
f; Gualy, Jaime; Huizer, Christiaan; Hunker, David; Kendall, Heath; Lee, Je=
bong; Leung, Steven; Martinez, Roberto; Masani, Zal; Mathews, Reagan; Andra=
de, Juanita; Spruiell, Michael; Vicens, Carlos; Womble, Marissa; Zimmerman,=
Grant; Marshall, Tim; Gonzalez, Victor; Muzzy, Dolores; Patterson, Jessie
Cc:=09Lemmons Jr., Billy; Levingston, Maxine E.
Subject:=09Analyst & Associate Program - e-Speak Invitation from Billy Lemm=

I just wanted to take a moment to personally invite each of you to particip=
ate in the e-Speak session this Thursday, May 10 at 10:00 am (CDT). If you=
have questions that you'd like to submit in advance, you can do so by visi=
ting e-Speak on the Enron homepage.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with an update on wha=
t's happening within the Program. Since assuming my new role at the beginn=
ing of April, I've been focusing my efforts on meeting with Enron's busines=
s unit leaders, and with as many Analysts and Associates as possible. Thes=
e activities underscore my priorities in managing the Program - a very stro=
ng alignment with Enron's businesses, and frequent / informal communication=

Some of the specific items that we're focused on as a result of your feedba=
ck, and that will be communicated in coming weeks include:
improvements to the PRC process which are in the final stages of developmen=
t with the business units,
recruiting goals and strategies for the 2001 recruiting season,
a series of floor meetings beginning today to visit informally with partici=
pants in the Program,
an updated social schedule that places a priority on interaction among Anal=
ysts and Associates, as well as with the business leaders of Enron.

I'm excited that Traci Warner and Ted Bland have joined our team in the Wes=
tern Hemisphere to lead Recruiting and Career Development respectively. To=
gether, they bring almost 20 years of Enron business unit experience, and i=
n the case of Traci - experience as an Associate in the Program. Anna Jans=
son continues to do an outstanding job leading the Eastern Hemisphere Progr=
am, and has been an great source of new ideas. =20

When I joined Enron in 1992, there were about 25 Analysts and Associates co=
mbined, sitting in one group on the 30th floor. Today, we have over 700 fu=
ture Innovators and Leaders of Enron in offices around the world. This Pro=
gram has been, and will continue to be our most important source of new tal=
ent. I'm very proud to have been asked to take this role, and I look forwa=
rd to working with each of you.

Billy Lemmons