Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Analyst & Associate Summer Picnic
Date:Thu, 21 Jun 2001 16:02:31 -0700 (PDT)

Billy- would like to attend but will be out of town. Rick
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Levingston, Maxine E. On Behalf Of Lemmons Jr., Billy
Sent:=09Wednesday, June 20, 2001 10:57 AM
To:=09Buy, Rick; Heathman, Karen K.; Derrick Jr., James; Harris, Stephanie =
J; Glisan, Ben; Dauterive, Inez; Kean, Steven; McVicker, Maureen; Koenig, M=
ark; Grow, Christina; Lay, Kenneth; Fleming, Rosalee; Wells, Tori L.; Metts=
, Mark; Fisher, Dolores; Olson, Cindy; McMahon, Kathy; Bob, Vanessa; Pai, L=
ou; Owens, Karen; Sherrick, Jeffrey; Bolen, Vivianna; Hawkins, Linda; Skill=
ing, Jeff; Sera, Sherri; Williamson, Joannie; Dorsey, Billy; Fastow, Andrew=
; Maronge, Bridget; Causey, Richard; Westbrook, Sharron; Bibi, Philippe A.;=
McCurley, Peggy; Bowen Jr., Raymond; Schiller, Marsha; Cline, Wade; Paxton=
, Jana L.; Gadade, Mrudula; Frevert, Mark; Daw, Nicki; Hughes, James A.; Bl=
ackwood, Connie; Schoppe, Tammie; Lavorato, John; Hillis, Kimberly; Mcconne=
ll, Mike; Phillips, Cathy; McDonald, Rebecca; Brelsford, Loretta; McMahon, =
Jeffrey; Ford, Sue; Spiller, Tina; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Burns, Jennifer; S=
herriff, John; Urquhart, Lauren; Whalley, Greg; Taylor, Liz; Kitchen, Louis=
e; Piper, Greg; Blachman, Jeremy; Dick, Sharon; Chapman, Kay; Dietrich, Jan=
et; Leff, Dan; Hinojosa, Esmeralda; Muller, Mark; Davidson, Binky; Scrimsha=
w, Matthew; Ferrari, Kerry; Sunde, Marty; Moffett, Carol; Cox, David; Fallo=
n, Jim; Hayslett, Rod; Campos, Kathy; Horton, Stanley; Stark, Cindy; McCart=
y, Danny; Armstrong, Julie; Hannon, Kevin; Brown, Carol Ann; Delainey, Davi=
d; Adams, Jennifer; Elliott, Steve; Rijo, Leah; Marshall, Lucy; Rice, Ken; =
Dalton, Dorothy; Brown, Carol Ann; Allen, Phillip K.; Rangel, Ina; Shaw, Er=
ic; Tibbs, Kathy; Barker-bennett, Robina; Kelsey, Jo; Garland, Kevin; Rushi=
ng, Rebekah; Shively, Hunter S.; Arteaga, Airam; Staley, Stuart; Parker, Ca=
ndace; Deffner, Joseph; Angelos, Megan
Subject:=09Analyst & Associate Summer Picnic

Attached is an invitation to the Summer Picnic this Saturday, June 23 from =
4:00-9:00 pm at the Regal Ranch. Many of you may have already received thi=
s, but I wanted to extend my personal invitation to you. This is a really =
fun activity, and has traditionally been one of the best opportunities to v=
isit with our Program participants on an informal basis. This is a family =
outing with lots of activities for the kids, and you can come and go as you=

Please make an effort to attend on Saturday, even if you can only join us f=
or a little while. Feel free to pass this invitation on to other executive=
s in your business unit. The Analysts and Associates tell us that this typ=
e of exposure to our business leaders helps drive excitement and enthusiasm=
within the Program. Your support of events like this is incredibly valuab=
le, and appreciated.

If you can join us, please rsvp to Jackie Coleman by email, or at extension=

Thank you,
