Enron Mail

Subject:RE: New Full-Time Associate End of Orientation Dinner
Date:Thu, 9 Aug 2001 13:44:53 -0700 (PDT)

Unfortunately, I will be on vacation. Dave Gorte in my group would be a goo=
d candidate to attend if you think appropriate. Tx, Rick Buy

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Levingston, Maxine E. On Behalf Of Lemmons Jr., Billy
Sent:=09Thursday, August 09, 2001 3:13 PM
To:=09Allen, Phillip K.; Angelos, Megan; Armstrong, Julie; Arteaga, Airam; =
Blachman, Jeremy; Blackwood, Connie; Bob, Vanessa; Bolen, Vivianna; Bowen J=
r., Raymond; Brelsford, Loretta; Brown, Carol Ann; Burns, Jennifer; Buy, Ri=
ck; Campos, Kathy; Causey, Richard; Chapman, Kay; Cline, Wade; Cox, Daniel;=
Dalton, Dorothy; Dauterive, Inez; Davidson, Binky; Daw, Nicki; Deffner, Jo=
seph; Delainey, David; Derrick Jr., James; Dick, Sharon; Dietrich, Janet; D=
onahue, Jeff; Dorsey, Billy; Elliott, Steven M.; Fallon, Jim; Fastow, Andre=
w; Ferrari, Kerry; Fisher, Dolores; Fleming, Rosalee; Ford, Sue; Frevert, M=
ark; Gadade, Mrudula; Garland, Kevin; Glisan, Ben; Grow, Christina; Hannon,=
Kevin; Harris, Stephanie J; Hawkins, Linda; Hayslett, Rod; Heathman, Karen=
K.; Hillis, Kimberly; Hinojosa, Esmeralda; Hughes, James A.; Kaminski, Vin=
ce J; Kean, Steven J.; Kelsey, Jo; Kitchen, Louise; Koenig, Mark; Kopper, M=
ichael; Lavorato, John; Lay, Kenneth; Leff, Dan; Maronge, Bridget; Marshall=
, Lucy; McCarty, Danny; Mcconnell, Mike; McCurley, Peggy; McDonald, Rebecca=
; McMahon, Jeffrey; McMahon, Kathy; McVicker, Maureen; Metts, Mark; Moffett=
, Carol; Muller, Mark; Murray, Julia; Olson, Cindy; Owens, Karen; Pai, Lou;=
Paxton, Jana L.; Phillips, Cathy; Piper, Greg; Rangel, Ina; Rice, Ken; 'Le=
ah.Rijo@ENRON.com'; Rushing, Rebekah; Saltiel, Robert; Schiller, Marsha; Sc=
hoppe, Tammie; Scrimshaw, Matthew; Sera, Sherri; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Shel=
by, Rex; Sherrick, Jeffrey; Sherriff, John; Shively, Hunter S.; Skilling, J=
eff; Spiller, Tina; Stark, Cindy; Sunde, Marty; Taylor, Liz M.; Taylor, Mit=
ch; Tilney, Elizabeth; Urquhart, Lauren; Wells, Tori L.; Westbrook, Sharron=
; Whalley, Greg; White, Leesa; Beck, Sally; Williamson, Joannie; Valdez, Ch=
ristina; Adams, Jennifer; Dimichele, Rich; Dimichele, Rich; Horton, Stanley=
; Muench, Gayle; Rieker, Paula
Cc:=09Muzzy, Dolores; Bland Jr., Ted C.; Bosien, Teresa; Charles, Constance=
; Lebeau, Paul; Franklin, Chenee'; Martin, Anita; Herasimchuk, Alyse; Barne=
s, Valarie; Elliott, Lexi; Miertschin, Beth; Jones, Donna; Taylor, Corina; =
Johnson, Shawna; Walt, John; Jenkins, Alicia; Giovannini, Jana; Richards, A=
ndrea; Jones, Lisa; Davis, Karen; Patterson, Jessie; Payton, Patricia; Lira=
, Cathy; Gray, Gwendolyn; Torres, Rebecca; Brown, Ivonne; Coleman, Jacqueli=
ne; Davis, Jeff D.; Shoaf, Kimberly; Levingston, Maxine E.; Warner, Traci; =
Friesenhahn, Shelly
Subject:=09New Full-Time Associate End of Orientation Dinnerr

Next Wednesday August 15, we will conclude orientation for the 70 new Assoc=
iates who just joined our Program. Attached you will find an invitation to=
a wrap-up dinner that evening at Ruggles-Enron Field.

Members of the Program regularly tell us that senior level interaction is a=
n area that we can improve on, so your participation in events like this ve=
ry important. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Donna Jones on extensi=
on 33175 or Jackie Coleman on extension 54070. As always, we appreciate yo=
ur continued support of The Program.

Billy =20

Policy Committee
A&A Committee (Western only)
Recruiting Executive Leads

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