Enron Mail

To:ron.beidelman@enron.com, larry.campbell@enron.com, ron.harkrader@enron.com,ruth.jensen@enron.com, rick.loveless@enron.com, leo.nichols@enron.com, kyle.purvis@enron.com, butch.russell@enron.com, mike.riedel@enron.com, clay.roesler@enron.com, dan.holl
Subject:2001 Goals and Objectives
Date:Wed, 24 Jan 2001 05:59:00 -0800 (PST)

Attached are the EHS objectives submitted to Phil Lowry and Mike Terraso.
Please make every effort to support the objectives identified in this
document. Implementation of these items will allow for the continued growth
of ETS's commitment to the EHS function.

Due to recent developments, I will not be traveling this week or next.

Thanks, Bill
---------------------- Forwarded by William Kendrick/OTS/Enron on 01/24/2001
01:51 PM ---------------------------

From: John Shafer 01/24/2001 07:36 AM

To: Phil Lowry/OTS/Enron@ENRON
cc: Michael Terraso/OTS/Enron@ENRON (bcc: William Kendrick/OTS/Enron)

Subject: 2001 Goals and Objectives


Attached are the Goals & Objectives for 2001 for the ETS Environmental,
Health and Safety Activity. Included in our 2001 Goals & Objectives are all
of the points related to EH&S that support your goals and objectives
forwarded to Stan Horton. John