Enron Mail

To:dscott4@enron.com, lcampbel@enron.com
Subject:Alert Posted: 1:45 PM November 19, 2000 Demand Mismatch Order
Date:Sun, 19 Nov 2000 05:41:00 -0800 (PST)

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Alert Posted: 1:45 PM November 19, 2000 Demand Mismatch Order Notice
Effective Tuesday November 21, 2000 at 10:00 a.m., and until further notice,
AGLC is issuing a Demand Mismatch Order for these three additional primary
Therefore , starting Tuesday November 21, 2000 at 10:00 am ALL primary pools
will be under A Demand Mismatch Order.

Based on the current supply levels and expected demand levels, AGLC's system
cannot manage the potential excess demand and the operational integrity of
the system will be threatened. Therefore, it is essential that your
interruptible customer's demand does not exceed the scheduled supply for your
interruptible market for each primary pool under the demand mismatch order.
Each shipper/pooler/marketer is responsible for contacting their
interruptible customers to curtail demand if necessary to meet this order.
Marketers/Poolers are responsible for maintaining interruptible customer
contact information. Any customer contact information in GOS is for AGLC
internal use and is not intended to be marketers/poolers point of contact for