Enron Mail

Subject:BAWG Issue for May 24 BIC Meeting
Cc:rbowers@nyiso.com, bkranz@nyiso.com
Bcc:rbowers@nyiso.com, bkranz@nyiso.com
Date:Tue, 22 May 2001 09:28:00 -0700 (PDT)


Last month I produced a BAWG Status Report presentation for the April 24,
2001 BIC meeting but unfortunately was not able to give that presentation
"in-person" because of a scheduling conflict with a sub-working group
meeting to discuss metering for the EDRP. This status report is available
on the NYISO Web Site under April 24 BIC Meeting Materials and it is my
understanding that Garry Brown directed market participants to read that
presentation and contact Wes Yeomans or attend a BAWG meeting with

The last slide in that presentation did require action from the BIC
pertaining to direction on what to use for generation payments when the
NYISO orders a generator on line but the generator bid price expired.
Attached please find the last slide from the April 24, 2001 presentation.
I will be available by conference call on May 24 at 3:00 PM to lead the
discussion on this issue.

Wes Yeomans

(See attached file: bawg0501.ppt)

- bawg0501.ppt