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1. Status of Mainline Filter Separator Project.
Earl Chanley has indicated that the June 1 target date for in service is on schedule. There will be 2 mainline separators for each mainline system. PG&E is also on schedule for June 5 & 7 pipeline tie ins to each bank of separators. The only outstanding issue is an air permit for the 1200 gallon tank at the separator installation site. This is a PG&E issue and will not create a delay of the in-service date. All other permits and approvals, according to PG&E, are in place. PG&E has stated that after operation of the separators, they will want to discuss maintenance issues with ET&S. Post construction of the separators will result in 2-50 ft joints of 34 in. pipe. PG&E will perform wipe tests on each piece to determine reuse and or disposal. If the pieces test to be regulated by state and federal, PG&E will consult their legal group to determine whether they will decon or dispose as a PCB regulated material. If the decision is to decon, PG&E has indicated that they will seek another contractor other than Vector to reduce costs associated with cleaning the pipe. 2. Review Test Results of Ongoing Gas Sampling. Update since last sampling discussion in San Francisco. Good news is that at MP 353 (kettleman C/S), latest sampling showed non detect. The third round of sampling taken at this location is not available. All other samples collected at suspected liquids locations areas showed PCB liquids results to be decreasing toward Hinkley C/S. Line 311 is a 12 in. line which travels north to Ridgecrest, Ca also feeds IMC Chemical Plant. Previous testing showed non detect. Most recent sample showed 22 ppm. Second sample has been collected but results are not available. Samples are proposed to be collected at the IMC Chemical Plant. There is a potential for the IMC Plant to be PG&E's biggest single commercial customer and therefore, this site is considered to be a sensitive area relating to PCB's. Kern River Station continues to show PCB concentrations of 1-3 ppm. The gas from this location feeds into a portion of the Southern California Gas Co. system which is PCB free. 3. Discuss Future Sampling Process and Frequency. West end of the PG&E system has not been sampled. The east end of the system has at least 2 rounds of sampling conducted. Sampling frequency for these locations is once every two weeks. When a sampling location is shown to have liquids, it is resampled two weeks later and is included into the sampling program. Transwestern has requested to PG&E to increase the collection reservoirs under the meters and valves to allow greater removal liquids from the pipeline system. At the present time a small nipple is inserted into the bottom of the valve and meter body for the liquids collection. By increasing the nipple size, a greater collection container will be produced. It was mutually agreed that until installation and operation of the two the separators, PG&E will continue to sample each location once every two weeks. 4. Review Criteria Used to Determine Need for Tap Filter/Separators. Originally 29 locations were identified to receive the small filter separators. These locations were considered Priority 1 sites. The determination of a Priority 1 site is based upon the following criteria: 1) a location where liquids were collected twice and 2) ppm concentration of the liquids collected was < 1.0 ppm. Based upon these criteria, Ridgecrest and Bakersfield (Kern River Station) have been added to the list of Priority sites. Flow through at the Kern River location is 300-500 mmscf/day. Samples collected at this location have shown PCB's in the range of 1-4 ppm. PG&E's agreement with SoCal at this location is <1.0 ppm PCB's in the liquid phase. PG&E has indicated that there is some sensitivity at both of these locations due to the large volume of gas deliveries. PG&E and Southwest Gas have been in discussions concerning 5 additional filter separators on the Southwest Gas system due to substantial customer load at these locations. Southwest Gas feels it needs additional protection at these sites. PG&E has stated that Southwest Gas is beginning to express additional concern for PCB's at their interconnect locations. 5. Review and Discuss List of Proposed Tap Filter/Separators. a. Siting, Design and Engineering b. Cost Estimates PG&E passed out a booklet pertaining to 9 small filter separator sites, plus an additional sheet for 16 sites with back-up to be produced in the next week. . Four of these separators have been installed. A total of 45 filter separators may be proposed for installation. The cost estimates for the additional small volume F/S up to the 29 indicated at the last meeting is 1.2 to 1.3 million. The sampling costs have not been included in this number. Estimates are being reviewed on a per sites basis as PG&E presented. One PG&E customer, a cement plant, has inquired about PG&E deconning portions of their plant that has PCB's. PG&E is in discussions with the cement company. PG&E has informed the cement plant that it will evaluate the success of the filter separators to be installed on the line feeding the cement plant prior to committing to any action. If the deconning occurs, it will be a 2001 project. 6. Ongoing Consideration of Additional Customer Protection. Compressor Oil Control. The majority of liquids collected at strategic sampling locations is compressor oils. Transwestern has requested access to the PG&E C/S to study lube oil systems. There are 22 compressors at the Topock and Hinkley C/S's. Transwestern will conduct a study of technologies to assist in reducing oil from entering the pipeline system. Earl will coordinate site visits with Glen Riddle. 7. Other Issues or Concerns. Earl requested additional information on invoices submitted after January, 2000. rod will send back up and support data of existing invoices sent to Transwestern. PG&E is considering increasing gas receipts from Transwestern to 250-300 mmscf/day cap by May 15. Over time PG&E will look into their C/S configurations to handle the increased gas flows to 450 mm scf/day. 8. Next Steps. The next meeting was proposed in 45 days. This time period will allow inspection and operation of the mainline filter separators and collection additional sampling data at new and suspected sampling sites. The location of the next meeting was tentatively scheduled for Flagstaff AZ on July 13 as some of the PG&E meeting attendees will be in Flagstaff during that week on other business.