Enron Mail

Cc:rick.cates@enron.com, jeffery.fawcett@enron.com, dan.pribble@enron.com,larry.campbell@enron.com, earl.chanley@enron.com, arnie.bailey@enron.com, roger.osborn@enron.com, rick.smith@enron.com, louis.soldano@enron.com
Bcc:rick.cates@enron.com, jeffery.fawcett@enron.com, dan.pribble@enron.com,larry.campbell@enron.com, earl.chanley@enron.com, arnie.bailey@enron.com, roger.osborn@enron.com, rick.smith@enron.com, louis.soldano@enron.com
Date:Fri, 9 Apr 1999 11:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

We completed the decontamination on both of the filter separators on the
discharge of the Solexol Plant. There was a thin film of an oily substance
(presumably Solexol) on the interior wall of the filter separators. However,
both sets of filters were very clean. No moisture was present on the filters
and there was not any sludge or build up on any of the filters. The filters
that were removed had the same appearance of a brand new filter. As a matter
or fact, when you laid a new filter beside a used filter you could not tell a
difference. The filters being used are a Sock type filter and when you ran
your hand across the filters you could not detect the presence of any
moisture at all.

So, it's presumed that the system has been completely absent of any liquid.
The small amounts of liquid being collected from week to week for sampling
must have been accumulated from the run down or film, pre-existing on the
interior of the filter separator housing. A decontamination and triple rinse
of each filter separator should result in a total absence of any liquid for
future samples, other than the remaining soap and water used for the final
rinse that could not be drained from the vessels.

Rich and I visited the Topock compressor station this morning and reviewed
the sampling point on PG&E's inlet scrubber. Rich made the recommendation to
Randy Williams and Rick Bezanson (PG&E) that future samples be taken straight
off the bottom of the scrubber rather than from PG&E's 1000 gallon blow down
tank. The purpose of this was to reduce the exposure to contaminating future
samples with pre-existing PCB's that may have collected in the 1000 gallon
blow down tank over a period of time. PG&E agreed to sample from this point
on future collections.

Both of the discharge lines on each filter separator at the Solexol plant
have been hot tapped in preparation of Solexol injection. Piping has been
installed and pumps are in place to accommodate the Solexol injection as
well. However, NO injection of Solexol will take place until after our
meeting next Tuesday with PG&E.

Transwestern has agreed with PG&E today to postpone our planned
decontamination of the filter separator at Transwesterns PG&E meter station
until April 28th, at which time Transwestern and PG&E will perform a
decontamination of both TW's and PG&E's filter separators simultaneously.

Thanks, Tiny

---------------------- Forwarded by David Roensch/ET&S/Enron on 04/09/99
05:51 PM ---------------------------

Rich Jolly
04/08/99 11:46 PM

To: Michel E Nelson@Enron
cc: Rick Cates/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Jeffery Fawcett/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Dan
Pribble/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Larry Campbell/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Earl
Chanley/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Arnie Bailey/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Bob Bandel@Enron,
Roger Osborn/ET&S/Enron@Enron, David Roensch@ENRON, Rick
Smith/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Louis Soldano/ET&S/Enron@Enron

Subject: PG&E UPDATE

We completed decontamination of the inlet filter at the selexol plant today.
It was dirty but
no liquid. There was some dried sludge in the bottom of the vessel and the
filters were
extremely dirty. We plan to do both of the filters on the discharge side
tomorrow.I got a phone
messsage from Jeff and he hasn't heard anything from PGE since the letter was
sent . We will
plan to bypass and clean the filter on the west side of the river, last one
on our system Saturday
unless we hear something different tomorrow. We will notify the PGE operators
of their plant
tomorrow of our plans.If anyone needs to contact me my pager number is
1-800-921-9564 and office
phone number is 505-260-4003. Leave a message on the office phone and it will
page me. I'll give everyone an update late tomorrow. We should have the hot
tap valves on location
tomorrow for the selexol injection. We plan to install the valves as soon as
they arrive.

Thanks RJ

By the way Bisti came on line today and they plan to run it tonight and be
back on location to
check on the unit tomorrow.