Enron Mail

Subject:Re: NCL -- Soil Contamination Issues
Cc:louis.soldano@enron.com, scott.jones@enron.com
Bcc:louis.soldano@enron.com, scott.jones@enron.com
Date:Tue, 19 Jun 2001 08:40:00 -0700 (PDT)

Either way is fine with me, however the reason I set it up to come from you
is that if it were to come from Louie or me it would have to go to a Koch
lawyer, who in turn would just tell me to have my enviro guy speak directly
to their's (which is what they've done in the past.) In the past, having
Gary Fuller deal directly with Van Ryn allowed us to better move the ball
forward. Lawyers I think should not tangle on this until we reach an impasse
or other sticky situation. In my opinion, bringing lawyers in too early just
results in a flurry of paper back and forth, but not much gets done.

But however you want to do it, we'll do it.

Larry Campbell@ENRON
06/19/01 01:29 PM

To: Edward Attanasio/Remote/Eott@EOTT, Louis Soldano/ET&S/Enron
cc: Scott Jones/Bakersfield/Eott@Eott
Subject: Re: NCL -- Soil Contamination Issues

Ed, I can send this, but a Legal endorsement on a letter has much more stroke
and leverage than a letter coming from an environmental person. Louie, you
make the call, should I send this or have one of you guys do it?

From: Edward Attanasio@EOTT on 06/19/2001 01:43 PM CDT
To: Larry Campbell/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Louis Soldano/Enron@EnronXGate, Scott Jones/Bakersfield/Eott@Eott

Subject: Re: NCL -- Soil Contamination Issues

I thought we agreed that Larry was going to send the letter I drafted to
Van Ryn (a copy of which is attached here for your convenience.)

My further research into the California requirements shows that we have
reporting and notification requirements for the other contaminations, but not
the obligation necessarily to dig further. I think it might be helpful to
have another phone call to discuss what the action plan should be. Maybe we
should do that? Please let me know. Thanks. --ETA

Larry Campbell@ENRON
06/19/01 09:03 AM

To: Louis Soldano/ET&S/Enron
cc: Scott Jones/Bakersfield/Eott@Eott, Edward Attanasio/Remote/Eott@Eott
Subject: NCL -- Soil Contamination Issues

Louie, it was my understanding that Legal would put a letter together to Koch
concerning this. Get back with me on this, please......
---------------------- Forwarded by Larry Campbell/ET&S/Enron on 06/19/2001
09:53 AM ---------------------------
From: Edward Attanasio@EOTT on 06/13/2001 04:16 PM PDT
To: Larry Campbell/ET&S/Enron@Enron
cc: Molly Sample/Houston/Eott@Eott, Louis Soldano/Enron@EnronXGate, Scott
Jones/Bakersfield/Eott@Eott, Bob Jacobs/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott

Subject: NCL -- Soil Contamination Issues

Just to follow up, did you send a letter to Van Ryn at Koch re the
hydrocarbon and mercury contaminations? If so, could you please send me a

Also, have you been able to come up with any further info on what to do
about the other soil contamination areas? Do you still want to determine the
full lateral and vertical extent of all? FYI, I have made further inquiry as
to whether we have any reporting or investigatory duties based upon the
levels in the WZI report. I believe the numbers you cited in you 5/21 email
may be only part of the story: as you have appropriately noted, in California
it is not only concentration levels that matter; rather, other variables such
as depth to groundwater, proximity to population centers, etc. determine
whether any reporting or remedial (including further investigatory)
obligations arise. Therefore, I'm checking further to see how these other
variable impact our legal obligations here. (Again, I think this is very
important inour case because we want to be careful about potenially
jeopardizing our indemnity rights against Koch by performing any Phase
II-type activities where not legally required.

I expect to have more info on this by the end of the week. Perhaps we can
chat then? Thanks. --ETA