Enron Mail

Subject:Rogas activity
Date:Thu, 8 Mar 2001 03:30:00 -0800 (PST)

Bill, things have pretty much quieted down on Rogas as compared to the last
couple of weeks, but heres whats new:

A meeting has been scheduled on 3/16 with the California Fish and Game to
discuss the following issues: 1)presentaiton of the 1999 and 2000 annual
reports which are required by the facility's 2081 permit. 2) developing an
agreement with F&G as to how the 41 acre credits held by EOTT will be managed
to ensure compliance with requirements of the F&G. 3) Presentation of the
results relating to surveys conducted in the path of construction for the
Rogas project.

The waiver to lay pipeline above ground for the Rogas constsruction was
approved by the Offfice of the State Fire Marshall, Pipeline Safety
Division. There were 8 city, county, state and federal agencies notified by
application for approval to construct the 9 mile pipline system consisting of
3 piplines. This is the only agency approval received as yet.

Acre credits were obtained from Aera for the construction of the Rogas
pipeline. Aera is an oil company with major holdings of acreage available
for purchase. It was felt that due to the time constraints for initiating
this project and the concern with not receiving the credits from the F&G that
EOTT would purchase Aera credits to ensure procurement of the necessary
acreage for the Rogas project. This is a major plus for the project.