Enron Mail

Subject:Simplistic solution to physical vrs financial transmission??
Date:Thu, 3 May 2001 06:51:00 -0700 (PDT)

barkerde@nmenergy.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

What if a product called External Transmission Reservation Rights (ETRR) was
conjured up that would allow a MP to reserve in/out ISONY transmission ?
MP's bid on 50 mw blocks for a month. The numbers of mws made available is
variable. The winners get the blocks with a bid block attached. For example
the PJM/NY interface 100 mws of ETRR's for exports were sold in two blocks of
50. The winner's are given the bid blocks of 9999 and 9998 respectively. The
highest anyone not owning a ETRR could bid on the external interfaces is +/-
9900 thus insuring the assigned bid blocks first acceptance of their bids.
the winners of the ETRR's (having already paid the ISO for the space) have the
ability to schedule the energy or not. Obviously this is an idea in the most
simplistic form that will allow the purchasing of long term transmission in a
financial transmission market. What do you think???