Enron Mail

Subject:Weekly Activity Report
Date:Thu, 18 May 2000 03:37:00 -0700 (PDT)

Another meeting was held with PG&E to discuss results of the latest sampling
and construction activities on their system. DAta from sampling has shown
that PCB's are steadily increasing into further portions of the PG&E system.
The latest sampling results showed positive hits on their mainline system at
MP 63.26 where 4 oz. of liquids were removed from a siphon. The analytical
result of this liquid was 10 ppm. PG&E and Southwest Gas are continuing
their internal sampling efforts to identifiy additional places within their
systems where PCB's may collect and would be passed on to their customers.
It should also be noted that PG&E is and will be continuing their efforts of
installing small filter separators at strategic interconnects to protect and
remove PCBs from entering customer and LDC lines.

Annual emissions inventories were submitted to the TNRCC for the TW Walton
and NNG Seminole and Plainview C/S's

Title V air permits were receied from Region IX EPA for the Leupp and
Klagetoh C/S's, which are on the Navajo Reservation. A roles and
responsibilities meeting was held with the Flagstaff Team for the Leupp Title
V permit. A meeting will be scheduled with the Gallup in the near future to
assign roles and responsibilities for the Klagetoh permit.

The Quarterly groundwater sampling has been completed at the NNG Gomez Plant.

Semiannual groundwater sampling has been completed at the following
Transwestern locations: C/S No. 5 Thoreau, North Crawar C/S. Semi annual
groundwater sampling has been completed at the NNG Lockridge facility.

Three additional groundwater monitoring wells will be installed at C/S No.
6, Laguna.