Enron Mail

Subject:Weekly Environmetnal Activity Report
Date:Thu, 17 Feb 2000 01:01:00 -0800 (PST)

A presentation was given to the Transwestern Marketing Group in Houston over
the PCB issues affecting sales of natural gas into western markets. The
history and future potential impacts of market stratgies were also discussed.

A training session on the Dehy MACT was attended in Santa Fe which was
sponsored by the state of New Mexico, apprising companies of forth coming
requirements under Title III. A request will be sent out ot the field for
each location which has dehydration to complete a extended gas analysis and
rich lean glycol samples. Notification to the staes and EPA is due by June
17, 2000.

A conference call was attended to discuss the C/S 8 turbine project and its
fate. Based upon submitted discussions it was decided to dispose of the
turbine, compressor and auxillary box as a PCB contaminated waste and move
the contaminated articles to a PCB landfill.

The quarterly Transwestern/SoCal PCB management committee mtg was held via
conference call. Invoices and charges were discussed which So
cal had charged to their management and handling of PCB's on their system.
At 86%, Transwestern's responsibility was $71,208.61.

Clearances were received from the F&W and SHPO for the additional areas for
the powerline transmission corridor of the Gallup C/S which is in progress.

A custom fuel monitoring request wqas submitted to Region VI EPA for the
Transwestern Lone Star Valero C/S.

Installation and testing has been initiated on the precombustion chambers for
the Superiors at the Atoka No. 3 C/S. While fabrication is in progress for
the correct chamber, temporary Waukesha chambers were installed. Even
though the chambers were not of the correct size and configuration, a 12.5%
fuel savings was achieved and emissions were reduced by over 56%. The
correct chambers will be available and installed sometime next week.