Enron Mail

To:gregg.daileda@ipgdirect.com, jeff.maack@ipgdirect.com,mark.nutter@ipgdirect.com, rachel.steffens@ipgdirect.com, suzanna.strangmeier@ipgdirect.com, ellen.clardy@ipgdirect.com
Subject:1. happy hour; 2. golf
Date:Fri, 27 Apr 2001 08:16:00 -0700 (PDT)

1. We have rescheduled the TradersNews Index (TNI) Users Meeting/Happy Hour
to Tuesday, May 15, from 3-5 p.m. at Farrago, near downtown Houston.

If you've done or plan to do financial swaps or index trades off the TNI
hourlies, dailies or term, come network with other utilities and marketing
shops. We'll have a brief presentation, and identify arenas for you to
conduct the swaps -- including online platforms, instant messaging and

Hit reply to be included on the guest list. Directions to the restaurant, at
318 Gray (713/523-6404), are at http://www.farrago.tv/farrago.htm. Click on
the flag icon.

2. AMP-Ohio's annual golf tournament is Wednesday, May 30, in Columbus,
Ohio. The information and entry form are attached. Entries and fees are due
by May 23. Mail to: Jerry Willman, 2600 Airport Drive, Columbus, Ohio,
43219. Jerry's e-mail address is: jwillman@amp-ohio.org.

Traditionally, participants meet after the practice round (at around 6 p.m.)
at Damon's, 1729 Hill Road North (740/759-7427). We at TradersNews Energy
will be on hand to answer questions about the TNI and financial swaps.

See you there!


Bobette Riner
Director, Traders News Indexes
TradersNews Energy
FAX: 713/647-7552
cell: 832/428-7008

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