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E*TRADE Latest news & happenings =09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09=09Get Microsoft Money 2001. FREE!=09 [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09Dear larry: =09=09=09 =09=09=09In this issue you'll find information on: =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09Free Microsoft Money 2001 Offer for IRA Investors. =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09Introducing the E*TRADE Bank(SM) Money Market Plus Account =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09Year-End Investing Checklist... Six Moves That Can Save You Money =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09 Mutual Fund ALL-STAR List(SM) of 65 Select Funds =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09NEW! Mobile E*TRADE Mobile Flash=20 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09 NewsBytes =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09=09=09E*TRADE IRAs have no setup fees, annual maintainance fees= or initial minimums. =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] ?Open a New E*TRADE IRA and Get a FREE Copy of Microsoft Money 20011 Have you established a retirement savings plan yet? If not, it's easy to=20 start now. Just use our E*TRADE Account Express(SM) online application and= =20 your 2000 IRA could be opened in minutes2.=20 An IRA from E*TRADE Securities, Inc., gives you choice and control. You ca= n=20 invest your IRA savings in individual stocks, bonds, or any of 5,200 mutual= =20 funds =0F- 1,250 of which have no loads and no transaction fees. =20 With an E*TRADE IRA, there are no setup fees, no annual maintenance fees, a= nd=20 no minimum initial investment requirements.=20 Plus, when you open a qualifying E*TRADE IRA for the 2000 tax year with a= =20 minimum deposit of $1,000 by December 31, 2000, we'll give you a FREE copy = of=20 Microsoft Money 2001! Open a new 2000 IRA now! =09 =09Back to top =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09?Introducing the E*TRADE Bank Money Market Plus Account(=0F?) =09 =09A great rate of 6.25% APY(#) without locking up your money for a set ter= m.=20 Unlike a CD, E*TRADE Bank Money Market Plus gives you access to your money-= a=20 great rate plus liquidity. You can withdraw your E*TRADE Bank Money Market= =20 Plus funds anytime you like at E*TRADE ATMs. Or through the CIRRUScnational= =20 ATM network. More good news. You can also write up to three checks a month= =20 with no fee.=20 =09 =09Plus, act now and get $50# for opening an E*TRADE Bank Money Market Plus= =20 account!=20 =09 =09Get more information or open an E*TRADE Bank account now! =20 =09 =09(#)Annual Percentage Yield (APY) as of 11/14/2000. Must be a new account= =20 opened with new funds. E*TRADE Bank Money Market Plus accounts must be open= ed=20 with a minimum balance of $15,000 and remain open for at least 6 months in= =20 order to receive bonus. $50 bonus E*TRADE Bank Money Market Plus accounts= =20 reported as interest income. Rates are variable and subject to change daily= .=20 Minimum balance of $15,000 required. Certain fees may reduce earnings on=20 accounts. =09 =09(=0F?)E*TRADE Bank, is a wholly owned subsidiary of E*TRADE Group, Inc. = Deposits=20 are insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC. E*TRADE Bank and E*TRADE Securities= ,=20 Inc., are separate but affiliated companies. E*TRADE brokerage accounts are= =20 provided by E*TRADE Securities, Inc. Products offered by E*TRADE Securities= ,=20 Inc., are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or obligations of E*TRA= DE=20 Bank, are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal= =20 invested. System response times may vary due to a variety of factors,=20 including trading volumes, market conditions and system performance. =09 =09Back to top =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09?Year-End Investing Checklist. Six Moves That Can Save You Money =09Here are six moves to make before the end of 2000 that can help you down= size=20 your tax bill =0F- and get your finances in order for 2001:=20 =09 =09Take Stock of Your Portfolio =09Make Tax-Free Gifts to Family Members =09Max Out Retirement Plan Contributions =09Consider Year-End Selling =09Donate Appreciated Stock to Charity =09Plan Ahead for Next Year =09 =09Don't wait. Read more about the six moves to make before the end of 2000= .=20 =09 =09 =09Back to top =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09?NEW and EXCLUSIVE! Mutual Fund ALL-STAR List(SM) =09With thousands of mutual funds to choose from, it can be tough to figure= out=20 which fund is right for your portfolio. That's why E*TRADEc asked=20 Morningstar to review all 5,200 funds in the E*TRADE Mutual Fund Center an= d=20 pick out the funds that passed their rigorous unbiased selection criteria. = =20 =09 =09The result? The E*TRADE Mutual Fund ALL-STAR List3, made up of 65 funds= in=20 34 different investment categories that passed Morningstar's independent=20 review process. For a prospectus containing further information, including= =20 charges and expenses, visit www.mutualfunds.etrade.com. Read the prospectus= =20 carefully before you invest. =09 =09ALL-STAR stock funds include:=20 =09 =09Growth Funds =09Specialty Funds =09International Funds =09Value Funds =09Blend Funds =09Balanced Funds =09 =09And ALL-STAR bond funds include:=20 =09 =09Taxable Funds =09Tax-Free Funds =09 =09Simplify your fund search and selection process. Check out the details o= n the=20 ALL-STAR List today. =09 =09Back to top =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09?Announcing Mobile E*TRADE's Mobile Flash =09Do you use a wireless device to access the Internet? If so, personalize = it!=20 =09 =09Visit the Mobile E*TRADE Web site and find out how to set up your "Mobil= e=20 Flash" wireless home page preferences and get the information you want with= =20 one click from your wireless provider's menu.=20 =09 =09You can customize Mobile Flash to access real-time quotes, index stats,= =20 Briefing.com updates, and a Watch List of up to 15 stocks. If you use an=20 Internet-enabled phone, Mobile Flash lets you bookmark your favorite wirele= ss=20 financial sites for one-click access to your financial needs from Mobile=20 E*TRADE. Best of all, these features will appear on your Mobile Flash home= =20 page with no log-in required!=20 =09 =09If you have an E*TRADE Bank account, you can even use Mobile E*TRADE to= =20 transfer funds between your various E*TRADE Bank and E*TRADE Securities, In= c.=20 brokerage accounts, to pay bills, or to find the nearest E*TRADE Bank ATM,= =20 all from the palm of your hand. (E*TRADE Bank and E*TRADE Securities, Inc.= =20 are separate companies wholly owned by E*TRADE Group, Inc.) =09 =09Products offered by E*TRADE Securities, Inc., are not insured by the FDI= C,=20 are not guaranteed deposits or obligations of E*TRADEc Bank, are subject to= =20 investment risk, including possible loss of principal invested.) =09 =09Visit Mobile E*TRADEc today! =09 =09Back to top =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09?NewsBytes =09Here's a quick roundup of more exciting news from E*TRADEc this month: = =20 =09 =09DO IT WIRELESSLY: Infowave is the wireless real-time technology that=20 connects your device to virtually everything you may need, by almost any=20 device you choose. Access e-mail, the Internet and most importantly, your= =20 corporate server from laptop, PDA, and/or cell phone. Securely. Easily.=20 Instantly. Get it done wirelessly at Infowave. =09 =09 =09 =09 Wireless Internet access and response times may vary due to a variety o= f=20 factors, including service provider coverage, Web site system performance a= nd=20 Internet usage. =09? =09Back to top =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE: =09 =09You received this e-mail because you registered on the E*TRADE Web site,= or=20 on one of our partners' sites. If you do not want to receive partner e-mail= =20 offers, or any E*TRADE marketing e-mail, you can change your preferences no= w.=20 You are subscribed at: lcampbel@enron.com. E*TRADE takes your privacy=20 seriously. To learn more about E*TRADE's use of personal information, pleas= e=20 read our Privacy Policy.=20 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =091Offer valid for IRAs, including traditional and Roth. Offer valid for = U.S.=20 citizens or permanent residents who have attained legal age of majority in= =20 their state of residence. Void where prohibited. Offer limited to one=20 product per person. E*TRADEc reserves the right to terminate this offer at= =20 any time. Not valid with any other offer. E*TRADE will mail the product= =20 within eight weeks of account funding. Other terms may apply. See=20 www.retire.etrade.com for details. The Microsoft Money 2001 product,=20 available through this offer to certain new IRA brokerage accounts, has bee= n=20 manufactured by a company that is not affiliated with E*TRADE. E*TRADE giv= en=20 no express or implied warranties (including but not limited to warranties o= f=20 merchant ability or fitness for a particular use) with respect to the=20 Microsoft Money 2001 software or other material associated with this offer)= .=20 This offer and the information provided herein is neither to be considered = a=20 recommendation nor an endorsement by E*TRADE and E*TRADE accepts no liabili= ty=20 for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of the product=20 offered. E*TRADE does not provide any legal, tax, or accounting advice.=20 =09 =092When you choose our instant funding feature, there is a maximum deposit= of=20 $2,000. It's available 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET, and you will need your bank= =20 account and routing numbers located at the bottom of your paper check. You= =20 may not sell short, buy and sell mutual funds, or trade stocks with a marke= t=20 value of less than $5 per share until three business days after your Expres= s=20 Application is approved.=20 =09 =093Inclusion of a fund in the E*TRADE Mutual Fund ALL-STAR list is based o= n=20 historical performance, and is not intended to be predictive of future=20 performance of the fund. Funds are selected for inclusion through=20 independent analysis by Morningstar based upon quantitative factors such as= =20 total return, risk, manager tenure and expenses, and a qualitative analysis= =20 performed by Morningstar analysts.=20 =09 =09 System response times may vary due to a variety of factors, including= =20 trading volumes, market conditions, and system performance.=20 =09 =09Copyright 2000 E*TRADE Securities, Inc. Member NASD/SIPC. All rights=20 reserved. E*TRADE, E*TRADE Bank, and their logos are trademarks or=20 registered trademarks of E*TRADE Group, Inc or its subsidiaries. All other= =20 marks are the property of their respective owners. =09Back to top [IMAGE]