Enron Mail

To:john.kinser@enron.com, rudy.acevedo@enron.com, juan.hernandez@enron.com,miguel.garcia@enron.com, joe.stepenovitch@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com, doug.miller@enron.com, larry.campbell@enron.com, keller.mayeaux@enron.com, chad.starnes@enron.com, dea
Subject:Fw: FW: Do This!! It's hysterical!
Date:Thu, 19 Apr 2001 00:26:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kayne Coulter/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 07:25
AM ---------------------------

"TOM PARTIN" <tpartin@pdq.net< on 04/18/2001 09:08:22 PM
Please respond to "TOM PARTIN" <tpartin@pdq.net<
To: "Tonna" <tonna@moodyrambin.com<, "Todd K Partin"
<NBNSupply@compuserve.com<, "Sandra Holliday" <redheadedwonder874@msn.com<,
"Marti Ballard" <mstxs@aol.com<, <Mandilijoh@aol.com<, <lsavell@ccgmail.com<,
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JOHNSON, SCOTT" <sajohnson@freewwweb.com<, "AA HORAN, CHRIS" <clcah@ev1.net<,
"AA HOLTZ, GARY" <dgholtz@yahoo.com<, "AA GRIESE, JERRY"
<griesbal@netropolis.net<, "AA COULTER, KAYNE" <kcoulte@enron.com<, "AA COOK,
JOHN" <jmtacook@aol.com<
Subject: Fw: FW: Do This!! It's hysterical!

----- Original Message -----
From: Kathy Ellis
To: rlongsiu@hotmail.com ; tpartin@pdq.net ; davidgray11@hotmail.com ;
resortexec@aol.com ; laura.bernard@themagnoliahotel.com ;
chmiller10@hotmail.com ; spellecy@seattlemariners.com ; kgrant@adamsmark.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 1:45 PM
Subject: Fwd: FW: Do This!! It's hysterical!

? hyla mullendore <hylamullendore@hotmail.com< wrote:
From: "hyla mullendore"
To: chmiller10@hotmail.com, ethos1@dhc.net, davemoharter@hotmail.com,
dmorrow1@txu.com, feliciaburkhalter@hotmail.com, sille_1231@yahoo.com,
kbarnesa@hotmail.com, mnbwinfree@cs.com, rtaylor@skychefs.com,
Subject: Fwd: FW: Do This!! It's hysterical!
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 13:20:40 -0500

<From: Emily Boroson
<To: megluv@msn.com, John Anderson , cornelius_c@msn.com,
bowhunter3_d@hotmail.com, hylamullendore@hotmail.com, mun01739@nortexinfo.net
, campos22@hotmail.com, codyrebel@hotmail.com, swativ@aol.com,
<Subject: FW: Do This!! It's hysterical!
<Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 12:26:27 -0500
<MIME-Version: 1.0
<Received: from [] by hotmail.com (3.2) with ESMTP id
MHotMailBCA71997002A4004321ED030325308CF0; Wed Apr 18 10:27:54 2001
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<From emilyb@jsav.com Wed Apr 18 10:29:33 2001
<X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)
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< < From: Michele O'Neal [SMTP:msbeautiful1@home.com]
< < Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 9:24 PM
< < To: Wendy S. Yates; Sylvia; Polohjh@aol.com; Monica Gonzales; Lisa
< < Pruett; Kim Parcells; Gina Morrell; DaisyDuk60@aol.com; Betsy Gregory;
< < Barbara Yates
< < Subject: Fw: Do This!! It's hysterical!
< <
< <
< < ----- Original Message -----
< < To:
< < Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 10:34 AM
< < Subject: FW: Do This!! It's hysterical!
< <
< <
< < <
< < <
< < < -----Original Message-----
< < < Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 10:45 AM
< < < To: annette.harris@sabre.com; bynum; ChapmanD@pioneernrc.com; CHERYL
< < < CORNWELL; CINDY; cindy benefield; cl; DEBRA KUYKENDALL; Erick Gibson;
< < < grable; Kathy Gamill; MICHELE ONEAL; NATHALIE
< < < Subject: FW: Do This!! It's hysterical!
< < <
< < <
< < <
< < <
< < < -----Original Message-----
< < < From: Juleanne [mailto:Juleanne@Juleanne.com]
< < < Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 9:50 PM
< < < To: Gerry Dumancas; Rhani Choi; yan lau; diane liu; Forrest Shoemaker;
< < < pete shimazaki doktor; LAREN LIVINGSTON; Larry Munter; Bill Wade;
< < < Davis
< < < Subject: Fw: Do This!! It's hysterical!
< < <
< < <
< < <
< < < <
< < < <
< < < < <
< < < < <
< < < < < < < <[This is a joke that is really funnie and it works!]
< < < < < < < < <<
< < < < < < < < << <<<< < An old lady walked into a Grocery Store.
< < She
< < < < wanted
< < < < < < < to
< < < < < < < buy
< < < < < < < <the
< < < < < < < < << <<<<best
< < < < < < < < << <<<<dog
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <food in the world for her little puppy. She
< < went
< < < up
< < < < to
< < < < < < < the
< < < < < < < cash
< < < < < < < < << <<<<register
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <to buy the food. The sales-lady told her that
< < the
< < < < < < < store did
< < < < < < < not
< < < < < < < < << allow
< < < < < < < < << <<<<old
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <ladies to buy animal food unless they show the
< < < actual
< < < < < < < animal
< < < < < < < < << because
< < < < < < < < << a
< < < < < < < < << <<<<lot
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <of old ladies like to eat the animal food
< < < themselves.
< < < < < < < So the
< < < < < < < old
< < < < < < < < << lady
< < < < < < < < << <<<<went
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <home, got her dog and went back to the store to
< < buy
< < < < her
< < < < < < < dog
< < < < < < < food.
< < < < < < < < << <<<< < The next day she came back to buy the best
< < cat
< < < < food
< < < < < < < around.
< < < < < < < <But
< < < < < < < < << <<<<the
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <Saleslady told her the same thing, so the old
< < lady
< < < < went
< < < < < < < back
< < < < < < < home
< < < < < < < <=
< < < < < < < < << and
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <brought her cat to the Grocery Store to buy the
< < cat
< < < < < < < food.
< < < < < < < < << <<<< < The next day the old lady went to the
< < Grocery
< < < < Store
< < < < < < < again
< < < < < < < =
< < < < < < < < << carrying
< < < < < < < < << <<<<a
< < < < < < < < << <<<<big
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <container. She went up to the sales lady and
< < said,
< < < < < < < "Put your
< < < < < < <
< < < < < < < <hand
< < < < < < < < << <<<<inside
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <here".
< < < < < < < < << <<<< < The Saleslady shook her head. "NO", she
< < said,
< < < < < < < "there is
< < < < < < < < << probably
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <something in there that will bite me!".
< < < < < < < < << <<<< < "I promise you that there is nothing in here
< < < that
< < < < < < < will
< < < < < < < bite =
< < < < < < < < << you.",
< < < < < < < < << <<<<the
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <old lady said.
< < < < < < < < << <<<< < So the Saleslady stuck her hand inside the
< < < < container
< < < < < < < and =
< < < < < < <
< < < < < < < < << screamed.
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <
< < < < < < < < << <<<< < To find out what was inside the container
< < you
< < < must
< < < < < < < send
< < < < < < < this
< < < < < < < <to
< < < < < < < < << =
< < < < < < < < << at
< < < < < < < < << <<<<least
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <10 people, when it says, your mail has been
< < < < < < < sent...instead of
< < < < < < <
< < < < < < < < << clicking
< < < < < < < < << <<<<OK,
< < < < < < < < << <<<< <hit ALT-8 and the container will pop up on your
< < < < screen
< < < < <
< < < < <
< < < < <
< < < < <
< < < <
< < < <
< < < <
< < <
< <

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