Enron Mail

Subject:NYISO - Message to MPs regarding email Subject "NYPA study-Winter Locational ICAP requirements"
Date:Thu, 26 Apr 2001 04:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

marketrelations@nyiso.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

Dear Market Participants,

As many of you know, and as some of you have commented about, the
ISO performed additional computer analysis regarding locational ICAP
requirements at NYPA's request early this year. We did so after
agreeing that the issue NYPA raised was relevant to our market and
would not detract from other work we were conducting. The results
were shared with NYPA in March with the understanding that NYPA
would use the study results to promote a dialogue among Market
Participants on the issues raised.

The NYISO would like to formalize the process of contract work on
issues relevant to the New York market, or decide to discontinue it,
by reviewing with Market Participants a proposed protocol indicating
appropriate areas for study and appropriate disclosure guidelines.
We will request the Operating, Business Issues and Management
Committee Chairs to add this proposed protocol, for discussion, to
committee agendas for May. We look forward to working with all
Market Participants on reaching agreement on an acceptable process
that is both useful and fair to everyone.


Mollie Lampi,
NYISO Senior Attorney