Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Additional Note
Date:Wed, 26 Sep 2001 03:57:00 -0700 (PDT)

Absolutely - we can outline what it would take. Greg Simmons definitely
said that it would be a congressional decision in D.C. - I asked him "what
about the 'energy initiative' and 'expedited review'" - he said that it
probably would not matter in this case - National Monuments are off limits
to new ROWs without an act of congress.

Scott J. Patti
Senior Project Manager
ENSR International
1601 Prospect Parkway
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: (970) 493-8878
Fax: (970) 493-0213
Email: spatti@ensr.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry.Campbell@enron.com [mailto:Larry.Campbell@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 10:43 AM
To: Patti, Scott
Cc: John.Shafer@enron.com; Doug..Cebryk@enron.com
Subject: RE: Additional Note

that was my read also. I wanted to get some more specifice details on what
it was gonna take and then pass it along to construction and you guys. Can
you follow up on this with a short outline of the process and steps for

"Patti, Scott" <SPatti@ensr.com< on 09/26/2001 08:31:04 AM

To: "'Larry.Campbell@enron.com'" <Larry.Campbell@enron.com<

Subject: RE: Additional Note

Larry, I got the sense that it is not impossible, but that it would be a
long, drawn out process, and would shoot the schedule all to hell.

Scott J. Patti
Senior Project Manager
ENSR International
1601 Prospect Parkway
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: (970) 493-8878
Fax: (970) 493-0213
Email: spatti@ensr.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry.Campbell@enron.com [mailto:Larry.Campbell@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 10:28 AM
To: Patti, Scott
Cc: 'Shafer, John'; 'Cebryk, Doug'; Schmidt, Jon; 'Taylor, Gina';
'Hyatt, Kevin'; 'Gadd, Eric'; Alstad, Jon; Munson, Kim
Subject: Re: Additional Note

Thanks Scott, I heard about the same thing, and was checking futrher to see
if this was actually the case....

"Patti, Scott" <SPatti@ensr.com< on 09/25/2001 08:35:35 PM

To: "'Shafer, John'" <John.Shafer@ENRON.com<, "'Cebryk, Doug'"
<Doug.Cebryk@ENRON.com<, "'Larry.Campbell@ENRON.com'"
cc: "Schmidt, Jon" <jschmidt@ensr.com<, "'Taylor, Gina'"
<Gina.Taylor@ENRON.com<, "'Hyatt, Kevin'" <Kevin.Hyatt@ENRON.com<,
"'Gadd, Eric'" <Eric.Gadd@ENRON.com<, "Alstad, Jon"
<JAlstad@ensr.com<, "Munson, Kim" <KMunson@ensr.com<

Subject: Additional Note

By the way, I got a call back from Greg Simmons in the BLM State Office in
Arizona - my question to him was whether or not a proposed ROW across the
Agua Fria National Monument would constitute a "Fatal Flaw." He indicated
that it likely would be a fatal flaw. He said that it would take "an act
congress" literally, not figuratively, to put a pipeline across a National
Monument. The boundary of the Monument is the east side of I 17, south of
Cordes Junction - I don't know if we can stay on the west side of the
Interstate there, but we might oughta check it out - it looks like we could
get into some pretty rough side-sloping, two-toning. FYI.

Scott J. Patti
Senior Project Manager
ENSR International
1601 Prospect Parkway
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: (970) 493-8878
Fax: (970) 493-0213
Email: spatti@ensr.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Patti, Scott
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 10:28 PM
To: 'Shafer, John'; Cebryk, Doug; 'Dave.Hubbard@ENRON.com'
Cc: Schmidt, Jon; Taylor, Gina; Hyatt, Kevin; Gadd, Eric; Alstad, Jon
Subject: ENSR Cashflow Estimate Through Construction of Project Sundevil

Lady and Gentlemen,

As the Subject line would lead you to believe, I am attaching a further
refinement of our cost estimate, spread out over the life of the project.
know that you, Dave, requested a breakdown by personnel and hours, but I am
going to have to go home and pack for my trip. We certainly can break this
down by personnel and hours, but I cannot do it tonight. I apologize for
any inconvenience this may cause any of you. Please remember that you can
contact Jon Alstad in my absence (cc'ed). I will be back in the office on
October 1st. Scott

Scott J. Patti
Senior Project Manager
ENSR International
1601 Prospect Parkway
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: (970) 493-8878
Fax: (970) 493-0213
Email: spatti@ensr.com

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