Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Transwestern Alternative Operating Scenario
Cc:larry.campbell@enron.com, bhargava.prabhat@ev.state.az.us,burr.steve@ev.state.az.us, massey.eric@ev.state.az.us, wrona.nancy@ev.state.az.us, team.kingman-sta1@enron.com, team.kingman@enron.com, team.flagstaff-sta2@enron.com, david.roensch@enron.com,
Bcc:larry.campbell@enron.com, bhargava.prabhat@ev.state.az.us,burr.steve@ev.state.az.us, massey.eric@ev.state.az.us, wrona.nancy@ev.state.az.us, team.kingman-sta1@enron.com, team.kingman@enron.com, team.flagstaff-sta2@enron.com, david.roensch@enron.com,
Date:Mon, 15 Oct 2001 07:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

Shudeish, our advisor in Arizona left me a voice mail message that the signs
were posted at both locations...thanks for your help with an expited request
to Region IX EPA.

"Shudeish Mahadev" <Mahadev.Shudeish@ev.state.az.us< on 10/15/2001 01:01:19 PM
To: "Larry.Campbell@enron.com" <Larry.Campbell@enron.com<, "Prabhat Bhargava"
<Bhargava.Prabhat@ev.state.az.us<, "Steve Burr" <Burr.Steve@ev.state.az.us<,
"Eric Massey" <Massey.Eric@ev.state.az.us<, "Nancy Wrona"

Subject: Re: Transwestern Alternative Operating Scenario

Larry- Thanks for the update. I am glad that the operating hours in the
alternative scenario for BOTH STATIONS are agreeable to Transwestern. I will
be sending the permits to EPA review today with a request for an expedited

The public notice period starts today, so i trust that the notice signs are
posted outside your facilities.

<<< <Larry.Campbell@enron.com< 10/15/01 11:33AM <<<

Shudeish, the spreadsheets look great. I spoke to the project engineer
about an hour ago and he told me that we can live with the numbers you have
given us in the permits for Stations 1 and 2 under the alternate operating
scenerio. He has been in Boliva for the past 2 weeks and was unavailable
for comments. Please accept my gratitude for all the extra work and effort
you have put in on this issue of operating hour under the alternative
operating scenerio. We are going to accept the hours as stated in the
permits. Thanks very much