Enron Mail

Subject:Seams Team Meeting Announcement
Date:Mon, 27 Nov 2000 13:54:00 -0800 (PST)

cking@nyiso.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

FYI. Chuck

---------------------- Forwarded by Charles King/NYISO on 11/27/2000 09:53 PM

williams@pjm.com on 11/21/2000 02:41:07 PM

To: iso-mou_bpwg@lists.nyiso.com

cc: (bcc: Charles King/NYISO)

Subject: Seams Team Meeting Announcement

< -----Original Message-----
< From: filipov@pjm.com [SMTP:filipov@pjm.com]
< Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 1:20 PM
< To: rburke@iso-ne.com; kenneth.brown@pseg.com; ldrees@velco.com;
< rjmatlock@duke-energy.com; eodisher@aol.com;
< martin.matijasich@southernenergy.com; rstein206@aol.com;
< marj.garbini@conectiv.com; jim.gawrouski@vinet.com;
< meagher.johane@hydro.qc.ca; wbooth@huberlaw.com; mbmiller@tca-us.com;
< sle@tca-us.com; dkeegan@powersrc.com; jjschappert@pplweb.com;
< flzingone@pplweb.com; jwallach@resourceinsight.com; sgilbert@pwrteam.com;
< ramancini@nyseg.com; amatim@nimo.com; marjorie_perlman@rge.com;
< jim_parmelee@rmiimc.com; rjkafka@pepco.com; wstone@entergy.com;
< Thomas_Murrell@nstaronline.com; jcrowley@pwrteam.com; csjoberg@aesc.com;
< jfbrodbeck@pplweb.com; pwong@iso-ne.com; eric.stinneford@cmpco.com;
< mel.palmer@southernenergy.com; mccurley@iso-ne.com; hsayer@mediaone.net;
< jobrian@sithe.com; dapplebaum@sithe.com;
< sksteinmetz@dbh.com; alan.haymes@ferc.fed.us; sipplepa@apci.com;
< krskinger@seitacteconsulting.com; gary.sorenson@pseg.com;
< jking@coushwhite.com; christian_lenci@praxair.com; rweishaa@mwn.com;
< leka_gjonaj@dps.state.ny.us; thomas_paynter@dps.state.ny.us;
< ajaygarg@ontariopowergeneration.com;
< jas@aimnet.org; jorgege@nu.com; bowieca@selectenergy.com;
< joel.gordon@neg.pge.com; gzielanski@apx.com;
< william.derasmo@troutmansanders.com; sfernands@cesolution.com;
< mbm@levitan.com; plc@levitan.com; marinellic@comedenergy.com;
< hallerant@coned.com; phil.smith@neg.pge.com; tschmehl@nyiso.com;
< sstolze@rjrudden.com; rrudden@rjrudden.com; ott@pjm.com; bkranz@nyiso.com;
< andrew_g_elliott@reliantenergy.com; jeff.simmons@neg.pge.com;
< gregory.m.urbin@bge.com; jkoller@gpu.com; gwen.mizell@us.abb.com;
< jbagnall@cinerty.com; tgil@dynegy.com; mmal@dynegy.com; cjwa@dynegy.com;
< cyoung@ecubedllc.com; psupdpt@aol.com; john.reese@orionholder.com
< Cc: pjm-emc@pjm.com
< Subject: pjm-emc Seams Team Meeting Announcement
< The following message has been posted to the PJM Energy Market Committee
< Mailing List (pjm-emc):
< < Dear Members,
< <
< < There will be a general meeting for all who wish to participate in
< formulation
< < of key issues to be addressed, identification of best practices, and
< < prioritization of ISO efforts.
< <
< < The meeting is scheduled for January 4, 2001 in Boston, MA. The location
< will
< < be announced at a later date.
< <
< < Thank you,
< <
< < Ken Laughlin
< < V.P. Market Services
< < PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
< < 610-666-8870
< < laughlkw@pjm.com
< <
< <
< <
< < Greetings from the "Seams Team." We've been working hard on putting
< < together a matrix for the four east coast ISOs. We had a Coordination
< < (an ISO rep plus a stakeholder rep from each ISO area) plus me
< < meeting on November 20, 2000 and went through the matrix. At that time,
< < we decided that we should identify and address the most critical items
< < before us. (Also, I think there was general agreement at our last general
< < meeting
< < that the most pressing items are those that impact real time
< < We focused on the items discussed on pages I 85-87 of the FERC report
< < entitled, "Investigation of Bulk Power Markets in the Northeast Region,"
< < issued November 1, 2000. We chose to examine tie-out issues, curtailment
< < issues, ramping, and transaction implementation. We will be looking for
< < your input as to whether we've correctly identified (i) the most pressing
< < issues; (ii) customer objectives with respect to such issues and (iii)
< < whether the matrix appropriately identifies the different ISO practices
< < that will have to be examined in order to fix any perceived problems. ISO
< < staff has committed to establishing a schedule at the meeting to resolve,
< < or at least improve, some of the problems we identify.
< <
< < Look forward to seeing you all there and have a wonderful holiday season.
< <
< < Marji Philips
< < PECO Power Team
< < Chair ISO/MOU Seams Team
< Opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the originating sender, not
< those of the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
< To unsubscribe from this list, send an e-mail to majordomo@majordomo.pjm.com
< containing only the following line in the body of the e-mail:
< unsubscribe pjm-emc