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Between the Lines...=20
Issue #6 ????November? 9, 2000=20 Biweekly Newsletter from =20 [IMAGE] In This Issue: 1.?Breeders' Cup Success 2.?Pro Points Challenge 3.?NFL Football Schedules 4.?Promotions 5.?NBA Schedule 6.?Inside sportingbetUSA.com 7.?Your Voice =20 ??Breeders' Cup Success=20 This year's Breeders' Cup was a vintage affair and the busiest yet at =20 Sportingbet USA! We had all of our phone clerks busy as bees trying to tak= e=20 all of the action spawned by the pony runs. All of our phone lines were ti= ed=20 up as horse enthusiasts were frantically calling in to place bets on their= =20 favorite picks before the next race was about to begin. There were a lot o= f=20 unexpected surprises as long shots, such as Spain which paid 50-to-1,=20 eclipsed the favorites. The succession of thrilling finishes had many of o= ur=20 members on the edge of their seats, not to mention our clerks on their=20 toes. Congratulations to all of the big winners who were lucky -shrewd- = =20 enough to reach the winners' circle. -Top- ? ??Pro Points Challenge=20 [IMAGE] Steve Operations Manager "As operations manager of sportingbetUSA.com I'm happy to announce that th= e=20 response to our Pro Points Challenge contest was overwhelming! We would li= ke=20 to congratulate the winners of this contest who all together took home a= =20 grand total of $10,300! For those of you out there who think nobody ever= =20 wins these contests, just take a look at the REAL people who won listed=20 below! On behalf of SportingbetUSA, I would like to thank all of this =20 contest's participants for their NFL picks. Remember, you too can win big= =20 just like all of our Pro Points Challenge winners by playing our Pro Point= s=20 Derby which is a SportingbetUSA wagering exclusive. Check out our site for= =20 the details on this very special bet and look out for other great contests= =20 and special offers coming soon for more chances to win! Your entertainmen= t=20 is our business." Kevin C. won $2,100=20 Ramon P. won $1,600=20 Gary S. won $1,600=20 Dave S. won $5,000=20 -Top- ??NFL Football Schedule=20 NFL Schedule November 12 thru November 23, 2000 All times are EST=20 Week 11 Sunday, Nov. 12 Arizona at Minnesota, 12 p.m. Atlanta at Detroit, 1 p.m. Baltimore at Tennessee, 12 p.m. Chicago at Buffalo, 1 p.m.=20 Cincinnati at Dallas, 12 p.m.=20 Green Bay at Tampa Bay, 4:15 p.m. Kansas City at San Francisco, 1:05 p.m. Miami at San Diego, 1:05 p.m. New England at Cleveland, 1 p.m. New Orleans at Carolina, 1 p.m. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. St. Louis at N.Y. Giants, 4:15 p.m. Seattle at Jacksonville, 1 p.m. N.Y. Jets at Indianapolis, 8:35 p.m. Monday, Nov. 13 Oakland at Denver, 7 p.m. (Open date: Washington)=20 Week 12 Sunday, Nov. 19 Arizona at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. Atlanta at San Francisco, 1:15 p.m. Buffalo at Kansas City, 12 p.m. Carolina at Minnesota, 12 p.m. Cincinnati at New England, 1 p.m. Cleveland at Tennessee, 12 p.m. Dallas at Baltimore, 4:15 p.m. Detroit at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. Indianapolis at Green Bay, 12 p.m. N.Y. Jets at Miami, 4:05 p.m. Oakland at New Orleans, 12 p.m. San Diego at Denver, 2:05 p.m. Tampa Bay at Chicago, 12 p.m. Jacksonville at Pittsburgh, 8:35 p.m. Monday, Nov. 20 Washington at St. Louis, 8 p.m. (Open date: Seattle ) Week 13 Thursday, Nov. 23 Minnesota at Dallas, 3:05 p.m. New England at Detroit, 12:30 p.m. =20 -Top- ??Promotions=20 STUFF THE TURKEY!! SportingbetUSA gives you yet another reason to give thanks this year.=20 [IMAGE]Everyone knows that underdogs (or "Turkeys" as I like to call them)= =20 have the highest paying odds, but 'favorites' are safe bets. So, to =20 accommodate our members' needs, we present to you the " Stuff the Turkey "= =20 NFL & NBA promo. From now until Thanksgiving Day each time you place a wag= er=20 on a 'favorite' in either NFL or NBA, you get a free entry into our=20 Thanksgiving Day drawing in which you could instantly win a very special= =20 prize! What is it? It's what everybody wants. It's a brand new Palm Vllx= =20 handheld! So, stuff those turkeys and the more wagers you place on=20 'favorites' the better your chances are to win. NEW MEMBER? For a short while new members can get 10% on all initial deposits of $300 = or=20 more. Unlike other sports books, you choose the bonus! Opt for either 10% = =20 in the form of betfrequent points (which can be later redeemed for great= =20 prizes), a corresponding parlay, CASINO chips, or a cash account deposit o= f=20 up to $150. How's that for a bonus? =20 Tell-A-Friend Reward Our Tell-A-Friend Program gives you a chance to win cash by referring fami= ly=20 and friends to SportingbetUSA. When they open an account and make a =20 deposit, you get $50 deposited into your account and are also automaticall= y=20 entered into both a weekly and a monthly drawing for cash!=20 Loyalty Program SportingbetUSA is proud to have you as our customer, and we'd like to than= k=20 you for choosing our services! Each time you place a wager our loyalty=20 program rewards you with Betfrequent points. These points will accumulate = in=20 your account until you decide to redeem them for one or more of our fabulo= us=20 prizes.=20 *Please refer to our website for complete details. -Top- ??NBA Schedule=20 All times are Eastern p.m. Thursday, November 9 Detroit at New Jersey 7:30=20 Seattle at Charlotte 7:30=20 Philadelphia at Minnesota 8:00=20 Orlando at Chicago 8:30=20 Vancouver at Houston 8:30=20 Atlanta at Phoenix 9:00=20 Denver at Portland 10:00=20 Friday, November 10 Indiana at Washington 7:00=20 Cleveland at Toronto 7:00 =20 New York at Boston 7:30=20 San Antonio at Dallas 8:00=20 Miami at Utah 9:00=20 Atlanta at L.A. Clippers 10:30=20 Sacramento at Golden State 10:30=20 Saturday, November 11=20 Seattle at New Jersey 1:00=20 Detroit at Indiana 7:00=20 Charlotte at New York 7:30=20 Washington at Cleveland 7:30=20 Boston at Philadelphia 8:00=20 Toronto at Chicago 8:30=20 Minnesota at Milwaukee 8:30=20 Vancouver at San Antonio 8:30=20 Miami at Phoenix 9:00=20 Houston at Portland 10:00=20 Sunday, November 12=20 Seattle at Detroit 6:00=20 L.A. Clippers at Denver 9:00=20 Orlando at Golden State 9:00=20 Dallas at Sacramento 9:00=20 Houston at L.A. Lakers 9:30=20 Monday, November 13=20 Portland at New Jersey 7:30=20 Dallas at L.A. Clippers 10:30=20 Tuesday, November 14=20 Charlotte at Miami 7:30=20 Portland at Atlanta 7:30=20 Golden State at Cleveland 7:30=20 Orlando at Sacramento 8:00=20 Chicago at Houston 8:30=20 Utah at San Antonio 8:30=20 Denver at L.A. Lakers 10:30 =20 New York at Seattle 10:30=20 Wednesday, November 15 =20 Washington at Boston 7:00=20 Cleveland at Philadelphia 7:00 =20 Indiana at Detroit 7:30=20 Miami at New Jersey 8:00=20 Atlanta at Milwaukee 8:00=20 Golden State at Minnesota 8:00=20 Dallas at Phoenix 9:00=20 New York at L.A. Clippers 10:30 =20 Thursday, November 16=20 San Antonio at Washington 7:00=20 Portland at Toronto 7:00=20 L.A. Lakers at Sacramento 8:00 =20 Charlotte at Houston 8:30=20 Chicago at Denver 9:00=20 Orlando at Utah 9:00=20 L.A. Clippers at Vancouver 10:00=20 Friday, November 17=20 Miami at Philadelphia 7:00=20 Golden State at Indiana 7:00=20 Atlanta at Boston 7:30=20 Detroit at Charlotte 7:30=20 San Antonio at Minnesota 8:00=20 Cleveland at Milwaukee 8:30=20 New York at Phoenix 9:00=20 Dallas at Seattle 10:00 =20 Saturday, November 18=20 Boston at Washington 7:00 =20 Milwaukee at Toronto 7:00=20 Portland at Miami 7:30 =20 Minnesota at Atlanta 7:30=20 Indiana at New Jersey 8:00 =20 Phoenix at Houston 8:30=20 L.A. Lakers at Denver 9:00 =20 Chicago at Utah 9:00=20 Dallas at Vancouver 10:00=20 Seattle at L.A. Clippers 10:30=20 Sunday, November 19 =20 Portland at Orlando 6:00=20 Charlotte at Detroit 7:00 =20 Golden State at New York 8:00=20 Chicago at L.A. Lakers 9:30 =20 Monday, November 20=20 Philadelphia at Boston 7:00 =20 Charlotte at Toronto 7:00=20 Dallas at Utah 9:00=20 Denver at Vancouver 10:00=20 New Jersey at L.A. Clippers 10:30 =20 Tuesday, November 21=20 Portland at Washington 7:00 Houston at Indiana 7:00=20 Detroit at Cleveland 7:30 =20 New York at Orlando 8:00=20 Seattle at Dallas 8:00=20 Chicago at Golden State 10:30=20 Wednesday, November 22 =20 Houston at Boston 7:00=20 Cleveland at Miami 7:30 =20 Philadelphia at Charlotte 7:30=20 New York at Atlanta 7:30 =20 Portland at Milwaukee 8:00=20 Vancouver at Minnesota 8:00 =20 Seattle at San Antonio 8:30=20 Denver at Utah 9:00=20 New Jersey at Phoenix 9:00=20 Golden State at L.A. Lakers 10:30 Chicago at Sacramento 10:30=20 NOTICE: Schedule subject to change. -Top- ?? Inside sportingbetUSA.com=20 We have some great news for all of our SportingbetUSA members. We have don= e=20 an analysis of our loyalty program and have found that it has been so=20 effective that we are going to up the ante! We are sliding the scale in yo= ur=20 favor. Each time you risk $6-$300 you get one betfrequent point for each= =20 dollar. Here is where it gets interesting. For every dollar amount exceedi= ng=20 $300 you get two betfrequent points! Not for a limited time, not for a=20 short while, and not until any date! From now on! SportingbetUSA makes it= =20 easier for you to redeem your betfrequent points for one of our great priz= es=20 or even a free wager. So, get in the game and get more betfrequent points! -Top- ??Your Voice=20 ? ? We at sportingbetUSA.com look forward to your comments, ideas, suggestion= s,=20 and questions. Your feedback is valued as we strive to keep us at the top = of=20 our game. So, send us your input. We=01,d really appreciate it and after a= ll,=20 this is your sports book. For Newsletter issues=20 newsletter@sportingbetusa.com =20 For loyalty program issues=20 betfrequent@sportingbetUSA.com =20 For affiliate network=20 affiliate@sportingbetUSA.com =20 For general questions or account problems=20 custserv@sportingbetUSA.com =20 For technical support on the web site=20 webmaster@sportingbetUSA.com =20 -Top- To unsuscribe from this newsletter send an email to=20 sportingbetusa-unsubscribe@lists.sportingbet.com with the word "remove" on= =20 the subject field.=20 No hard feelings!=20 ? ? ? ? [IMAGE] ...Get in the Game ! =20 - sb-minilogo.gif - fry2.jpg - palm.jpg - sbet.gif