Enron Mail

To:randy.belyeu@enron.com, joe.richards@enron.com
Subject:Koch South Texas pipeline data room questions and answers
Date:Wed, 9 May 2001 04:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

Randy, based upon the records review, this is the only issue that may be a=
problem. If a tank has been moved to another location, it would trigger=20
requirements which were enacted on the date of the relocation. For instanc=
if a tank constructed prior to 1973 was moved in 1978, there would be=20
emissions control requirements placed on the tank as required by the 1978=
tank regulations. If the tank had remained at its original location, it=20
would be grandfathered with respect to emissions. However, because the tan=
was relocated, it is looked upon as being a tank constructed in 1978 and=20
subject to the 1978 regulations and is no longer grandfathered.

I was not given this information during the records review, so I dont know =
any of the tanks apply. If any of the tanks fit into the above scenerio,=
EOTT or Koch will be looking at some major $$$$$ to bring any subject tank=
into compliance. Generally speaking, the regualtions and costs to comply=
increase as a function of date. =20

1. Q. Of the tanks listed on the spreadsheet, have any of the tanks been=20
relocated from its original construction locations? List the tank, date=20
moved and location moved to.
A. Benevides Station Tank 6125 and Mirando Station Tank 28591 were relocat=
to those stations. Three Rivers Tanks 28508 and 28100 were relocated and=
re-erected at that station. Duval Station Tank 28052 and Mirando Station=
28045 were relocated and re-erected at those stations prior to Koch=01,s=
acquisition of those assets.

---------------------- Forwarded by Larry Campbell/ET&S/Enron on 05/09/2001=
10:03 AM ---------------------------
Jim Coen @ EOTT 05/08/2001 10:27 AM

To: Joe Richards/Houston/Eott@Eott, Randy Belyeu/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Larry=20
Campbell/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Warren Fusilier/Remote/Eott@Eott, Jeremy=20
cc: =20

Subject: Koch South Texas pipeline data room questions and answers

----- Forwarded by Jim Coen/Houston/Eott on 05/08/2001 10:51 AM -----

=09"Lofing, Michael" <LofingM@kochind.com<
=0905/08/2001 09:48 AM
=09=09 To: Jim Coen/Houston/Eott@Eott
=09=09 cc:=20
=09=09 Subject: Koch South Texas pipeline data room questions and answers

Attached are the Koch South Texas Pipeline data room questions with answers
attached. I have also attached data provided to other bidders. If you hav=
any additional questions, please contact me, 828-4027.

<<EOTT Questions and Answers_.doc<< <<over-short labor utilities.xls<<

- EOTT Questions and Answers_.doc
- over-short labor utilities.xls
- CrudeVehicles.xls