Enron Mail

Subject:ADV: Making Serious Money has NEVER been this Easy!!
Date:Wed, 19 Dec 2001 07:37:41 -0800 (PST)

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NEW CD ROM is helping to Create HUGE FORTUNES!!

Free Info:

* What if you could make a full time income handing/sending out a $1.25 CD ROM?

* What if the company paid you EVERY DAY?

* What if it was a 20+ year old publicly traded Company?

* What if there was no "real" competition and everybody needs our service?

* What if you got paid when somebody goes to your website and views the hottest video presentation ever and signs up?

If you are the least bit curious about why this CD ROM is making us Fortunes, all you need to do is simply send an email to:

<< Please put your name and email address in the body of the email.

We will email you all you need to know to get signed up and making money TODAY!!!

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