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Subject:Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors International Tournament
Date:Tue, 14 Aug 2001 11:20:50 -0700 (PDT)

go to MSN Home =09In The Zone -- MSN Gaming Zone =09
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MSN Gaming Zone =09

=09August 4, 2001 -- Issue 41 =09=09=09

N COOLPIX 775 (25048) - ? $378.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] RadioShack=
.com Lyra II Digital Player/Rec $199.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Rad=
ioShack.com Iomega HipZip $199.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] RadioShac=
k.com Compaq iPAQ Audio Player $229.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Best=
Buy.com Hannibal [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] United Kingdom Tournament S=
ign Ups Attention all United Kingdom Age players! Registration for the Con=
querors tournament opens August 15th. Don't miss out. [IMAGE] Have =
You Signed Up for The Zone? If you're not a Zone member, you're missing ou=
t on a ton of great gameplay, special contests and events, giveaways and wh=
o knows what all. You won't know unless you sign up now . It's easy and com=
pletely free. Sign up, get your Zone Name, and start playing games online! =
FREE Signup Problems With Your Subscription If you have any proble=
ms with your subscription send a mail to wchelp@hotmail.com . You'll receiv=
e an automated reply that contains lots of solutions to frequently asked qu=
estions, plus a way to get even more answers for your needs. =09=09[IM=
AGE] Warrior Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors International Tournamen=
t This is THE HOTTEST online gaming event of the summer! It's an internati=
onal challenge of the best and brightest in real-time strategy. We're invit=
ing players from the US, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, D=
enmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Brazil, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Argen=
tina, and Australia. Chant with us now: Age! Age! Age! Tell your family,=
friends, and even your foes (you want to prove your the best, right?). Sig=
nup TODAY to participate. You could walk away with $50,000 US cold hard cas=
h. Calvary Sign Up Today for the Tournament ! The first set of regi=
stration dates is wrapping up, so be sure to SIGN UP TODAY! * US registrat=
ion closes August 15th * Canada registration closes August 16th Spear=
man Tournament Questions ? When? Where? How? Why? Read the edited chat=
excerpt for answers about the International tournament. AND if you have mo=
re questions, our tournament director Julia will be online August 21st, at =
6:00pm in the Zone Theater chat room . =09

[IMAGE] =09

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