Enron Mail |
Market Participants:
There is one correction to the version mapping below. April 4, 2001 should be Version 4 minus Version 1. This was one day when we had an overwrite problem. The version 1 for this day is what ties out to the original bill and supplemental invoice. The supplemental invoice consisted of changes on 4/4, 4/10, 4/11, 4/13, and 4/18 through 4/30. If you have any questions, please contact your market representative at 518-356-6060. ----- Forwarded by Sean Powers/NYISO on 09/10/2001 08:33 AM ----- Sean Powers To: $CUS_ALL_BILLUSERS, TIE List Server 09/08/2001 cc: 10:02 AM Subject: April 2001 Advisory Statement Mapping Market Participants: Please find attached the advisory statement mapping for the April 2001 Settlement Adjustment Invoicing. The versions are based on the current Settlement Adjustment (SA1) csv files minus the Supplemental Invoice csv files which were posted just after the original April 2001 billing. (See attached file: April_2001_SA1_Version_Mapping.xls) If you have anyquestions please contact your market representative at 518-356-6060. - April_2001_SA1_Version_Mapping.xls