Enron Mail

Subject:Enron Global Strategic Sourcing and Enron Net Works execute
Date:Thu, 26 Jul 2001 15:32:32 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Derryl Cleaveland- SR Director Global Strategic Sourcing Operations@ENRON
X-To: All Enron Houston@ENRON <??SAll Enron Houston@ENRON<
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Enron Global Strategic Sourcing, in collaboration with Enron Net Works, recently executed a two-year agreement with SkyTel Communications, Inc. to provide users with one- and two-way local and nationwide numeric/alphanumeric pagers, advanced messaging service devices, and encrypted remote e-mail services via Blackberry? enabled devices.

Under this agreement, Enron will also receive special discount incentives including, 50% discount on Blackberry?-enabled hardware purchases through year-end 2001, trade-in allowances on select Research in Motion (RIM) units through year-end 2001, upload and download of contact lists from select pc-compatible hardware to new RIM devices, customized training for hardware and services featured quarterly, and monthly service costs that will be billed at 50% of normal rates for a limited time.

Personal toll free numbers, personal voice mail, operator dispatched text messages, pin-to-pin messaging and text-to-voice and text-to-fax service options will be available on select devices, including Motorola T900 and P935.

Effective August 1, please visit ibuyit.enron.com to order hardware or request activation. If your business unit is not currently on iBuyit, please create an electronic order form on http://www.skytel.com/sipsnsf/enron.nsf/pages/requestpager?opendocument&;login. When you are prompted for a user name, please type: enron sip. The password is skytel.

Hands-on demonstrations of various Skytel products will be conducted during "Blackberry Days" on July 31, August 1 and August 2 from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the Enron Building lobby. Additional information regarding Blackberry Days will be distributed soon.

If you have commercial questions regarding this agreement, please contact GSS Senior Contract Manager Tom O. Moore at 713-345-5552 or via e-mail at tom.o.moore@enron.com <mailto:Tom.o.moore@enron.com<. If you have technical questions, please submit them to blackberry@enron.com <mailto:blackberry@enron.com<.