Enron Mail

Subject:Enron in Action 07.23.01
Date:Sun, 22 Jul 2001 15:47:22 -0700 (PDT)

Enron in Action has a new format! In the future, you will be able to access Enron in Action through the new Community Relations web site at http://cr.enron.com and find out all of the information you have grown accustomed to. In this week's issue you will find out information regarding:

Enron Happenings
Community Relations Announces new interactive web site
Wild@Work Brown Bag - Spring Migration - Crossing the Gulf in a Single Leap
Win A $1000 Donation To Your Favorite Charity

Volunteer Opportunities
United Way Day of Caring
Crossroads: Mentor a Troubled Child

Please go to http://cr.enron.com/eia.html to access this week's Enron in Action. In addition, Enron in Action is available through a channel on my.home.enron.com. To add this channel to your set-up click on the channels link at the top of the screen and under announcements check the Enron in Action box.

If you wish to add an announcement to Enron in Action, please fill out the attached form below and submit it to eia@enron.com no later than 12 PM Thursday each week.