Enron Mail

Subject:FRT Special Situation and Alerts: GASE
Date:Tue, 4 Dec 2001 00:51:31 -0800 (PST)

=09 =09=09
=09 KEY FEATURES Unrisked future net revenue of $2.42 Billion fro=
m Utah properties alone $14.80 / share price target forecast by Canacco=
rd Capital Important strategic partnerships with Phillips Petroleum, Ha=
lliburton Co. and Burlington Resources Named one of Colorado's 100 Fas=
test Growing Companies by Denver Business Journal Strong management tea=
m led by an established team of oil & gas leaders [IMAGE] Leading=
Petroleum Engineering firm reports GASCO ENERGY's unrisked future net rev=
enues of $2.4 billion from Utah wells alone. Analyst forecasts $14.80/shar=
e price target! Gasco Energy Inc. is an oil & gas company whose natural =
gas properties could potentially begin producing in the billion-dollar ran=
ge, but is still trading under $3 per share! [IMAGE]Recently, Gasco Ene=
rgy's (OTCBB: GASE) properties and future revenues in Utah were independen=
tly evaluated and estimated by Netherland, Sewell & Associates (NSAI) - a =
40-year-old international petroleum consulting firm. NSAI (www.netherlands=
ewell.com ) has worked with hundreds of top financial institutions from Ba=
nk of America to Credit Suisse as well as major oil and gas companies from=
Exxon to Shell. The report states that the estimated unrisked future n=
et revenue on GASE's interest will most likely produce $2.42 BILLION!! Ple=
ase note that the report discusses NET revenues, which are calculated by d=
educting state production and ad valorem taxes, operating expenses and ALL=
future capital costs from the gross revenues. While these are net revenue=
s, as opposed to net income, this can mean great news for GASE's existing=
and future shareholders! In evaluating probabilities of occurrence, NS=
AI's report states "there is very little risk of not encountering gas in t=
his basin-centered gas accumulation". In fact according to NSAI, the prope=
rty's most likely present worth is $242 million discounted at 10% based on=
average NYMEX prices for the period 09/00 to 08/02. Wellhead prices used =
in the report are $3.56 per MMBtu, escalated 3% per year to a maximum of =
$4.15 per MMBtu. Foremost among GASE's strategic partnerships is GASE's=
agreement with Phillips Petroleum (NYSE:P). GASE and Phillips have been w=
orking to maximize shareholder value on the Utah properties. GASE has also=
teamed with Halliburton Co. (NYSE:HAL) to potentially drill and complete =
up to 10 wells within the same area. IN ADDITION to the interest in Ut=
ah properties, GASE also recently reported that it has teamed up with Burl=
ington Resources (NYSE: BR) - one of the world's largest independent oil a=
nd gas companies - to explore and develop a series of natural gas plays in=
Wyoming. This significantly enlarges GASE's land mass, which may further =
increase the company's net present worth!! According to the U. S. Geol=
ogical Survey, the Greater Green River Basin has produced more than 7.3 tr=
illion cubic feet of natural gas and 849 million barrels of oil, making it=
one of the country's truly significant oil and gas fields. Burlington Res=
ources is the perfect partner to help develop the many highly fractured, t=
ight-gas-sands prospects the companies expect to find there. OPPORTUNIT=
Y: Based on GASE's recoverable resources, property's present worth and ind=
ustry partnerships London based Canaccord Capital recently issued an Inves=
tment report estimating the value of Gasco's licenses to be $740 Million, =
or $14.80 per share. Despite all the recent developments, the company'=
s stock is still trading below $3. Many consider this to be ridiculously l=
ow, considering that NSAI estimates future net revenues of up to $2.4 bill=
ion and unrisked present worth at $242 million. With its high probability =
Utah stake AND its Wyoming partnership with Burlington, GASE is now divers=
ified AND showing huge growth potential! BILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: How =
quickly will GASE's stock price start to reflect its real value? As the co=
mpany is still trading on the OTCBB, maybe it hasn't been able to attract =
institutional investors who price stocks based on their real value. When t=
hey learn about the recent developments, GASE's valuation could potentiall=
y change overnight! URGENT! With an application for listing pending an=
d the type of assets GASE possesses, it may be only a matter of time befor=
e the company jumps to Amex. That would open a lot of doors for GASE and p=
otentially explode the demand for GASE stock and lead to a much higher va=
luation! What will GASE be trading at by then? Click Here to read the NS=
AI Report Click Here to read the Canaccord Report Contact Us One o=
f our Corporate Relations Representatives would be happy to answer any que=
stions you may have. Please call us at 1-800-645-9254, or visit the compan=
y's website at www.gascoenergy.com. Click to view GASE's detailed Q=
uote & Chart GASE : OTCBB 52 Week High: $4.063 52 Week Low: $0.031 Share=
s Outstanding: 27.25 MILLION [IMAGE] Stockscape Network Group, Inc. (S=
S) Disclaimer: Please be aware that SS is a news service and NOT an invest=
ment advisory service; it is advised that you consult with a licensed fina=
ncial advisor before making any investment decisions. This information com=
prises a paid advertising supplement for which SS was compensated. In the =
case of Gasco Energy Inc., SS will be compensated $75,000 in cash by a thi=
rd party. This publication does not provide an analysis of a company's fin=
ancial position and the information herein should NOT be construed as an o=
ffer to buy or sell securities. The information herein is taken from sourc=
es thought to be accurate, but there is no guarantee. All due diligence sh=
ould be done by the reader or their financial advisor. Investing in securi=
ties is speculative and carries risk. Past performance does not guarantee =
future results. =09=09
=09=09SmallCap Central 2001 powered by Stockscape.com =09

This is a paid advertisement from Stockscape Network Group, Inc. The materi=
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ising from such statements and opinions.=20
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