Enron Mail

To:jeff.ader@enron.com, c..aucoin@enron.com, mark.bernstein@enron.com,don.black@enron.com, j..broderick@enron.com, michael.brown@enron.com, lisa.burnett@enron.com, f..campbell@enron.com, dana.davis@enron.com, tom.dutta@enron.com, gerald.gilbert@enron.com
Subject:FW: Negotiations Begin to Integrate NeptuneRTST into PJM Market Platform
Date:Wed, 31 Oct 2001 07:15:04 -0800 (PST)


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pjm-customer-info@pjm.com@ENRON <mailto:owner-pjm-customer-info@pjm.com@ENRON< On Behalf Of PJMCustomerRelationsandTraining@pjm.com <mailto:PJMCustomerRelationsandTraining@pjm.com<
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 9:20 AM
To: pjm-customer-info@risc1.pjm.com <mailto:pjm-customer-info@risc1.pjm.com<
Subject: FW: Negotiations Begin to Integrate NeptuneRTST into PJM Market P latform

Message sent from the pjm-customer-info mailing list at pjm-customer-info@majordomo.pjm.com <mailto:pjm-customer-info@majordomo.pjm.com<:

< Negotiations Begin to Integrate NeptuneRTS(tm)
< into PJM Market Platform
< Pittsfield, ME and Valley Forge, PA - October 31, 2001 - The Neptune Regional
< Transmission System and PJM have begun negotiations aimed at achieving the
< functional integration of the Neptune system into the PJM market platform.
< Once accomplished, the Neptune transmission project will allow for greater
< flexibility to the northeast region's electric transmission grid.
< The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has directed Neptune to work
< with the Northeast Regional Transmission Organization (RTO), or if that entity
< develops more slowly than Neptune, FERC called for Neptune to work with an
< Independent System Operator like PJM.
< "Given that the FERC has stated that the Northeast RTO should be based on
< PJM's platform and that PJM is already approved as the country's first fully
< functioning RTO, we believe the partnership will provide a convenient and
< readily understood management system for our customers," said Charles E.
< Hewett, NeptuneRTS(tm) chief executive officer. "We're delighted to be working
< with PJM."
< "PJM is pleased to support arrangements that will make a viable merchant
< transmission entity fully integrated with the northeast markets while meeting
< the specific needs of the Neptune Regional Transmission System," said Richard
< A. Wodyka, PJM chief operating officer. "PJM has been looking for innovative
< ways to integrate expansive, broad-reaching transmission projects into the
< competitive marketplace to better serve our region's customers."
< Hewett described the following functional areas as topics for the
< negotiations:
< * System Scheduling, Dispatch and OASIS Management for the NeptuneRTS(tm)
< and its Transmission Scheduling Rights
< * Billing, Collection and Settlement Management
< * Design and Conduct of Subsequent Open Season Auctions for System
< * Capacity
< * Management of Ancillary Services Trading Platforms Appropriate to HVDC
< * Interconnections
< * Management of a Secondary Trading "Bulletin Board" for Transmission
< Scheduling Rights
< * Liaison with other Independent System Operators
< * Facilitation Services for Settlement of Stakeholder Issues
< The Neptune regional transmission system is a high voltage direct current
< transmission system proposed to link the bulk power systems in the
< mid-Atlantic, Northeast states and Canadian provinces. The system uses
< submarine cable technology. As the designer, constructor and owner of the
< multi-regional system, NeptuneRTS(tm) is seeking to complete negotiations
< with PJM, operator of transmission systems and energy markets. Under such an
< arrangement, PJM would offer market, operations and administrative services
< for this new multi-regional entity.
< PJM, the country's only fully functioning RTO, operates the world's largest
< competitive wholesale electricity market and one of North America's largest
< power grids. The company currently coordinates a pooled generating capacity of
< more than 59,000 megawatts and operates a wholesale electricity market with
< more than 200 market buyers, sellers and traders of electricity. PJM has
< administered more than $5 billion in energy and energy service trades since
< the regional markets opened in 1997. More than 70 nations have sent delegates
< to PJM to learn about the market model and the operation of the grid in the
< mid-Atlantic states. Visit PJM at www.pjm.com <http://www.pjm.com<;.
< ###

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