Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Playa del Carmen
Date:Fri, 20 Jul 2001 11:21:48 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09"Travis Baughman" <travieso74@hotmail.com<@ENRON =20
Sent:=09Thursday, July 19, 2001 11:36 PM
To:=09Don.C.Baughman@Marshmc.com; Baughman Jr., Don; jebert@eadslink.com; d=
oggettmark@hotmail.com; Matt_Doggett@Dell.com; twomarshalls@hotmail.com; re=
idstav@houston.rr.com; stichavsky@pct-inc.com; scottsmith@masterword.com; S=
tewart@Mallia.com; tbooth87@flash.net; twilliams@ev1.net; seanpat@flash.net=
; fast@ev1.net.mail; Acevedo, Rudy; Kinser, John; Stepenovitch, Joe; whernd=
on@tractebelusa.com; gsnapka@pdq.net; richardhrabal@cs.com; rpearson@oilsta=
Subject:=09Playa del Carmen

Hola cabrones,
Ok, aqui esta el plan! Due to some very important people dragging their bum=
s things have changed slighty. We will now be going to Playa del Carmen. Ma=
ny of us have been there before. It is a great place and well situated. The=
hotel is called the Rui Playa and the price is $585.00 smackeroos all incl=
usive. It is a fun jet package I found through Way to Go Travel agency here=
in town. It is a very nice place and I urge everyone going to look at the =
funjet travel site and check it out. There is two people to a room and we c=
an work out when we get down there who's bunking with whom. Again the dates=
are leaving Thursday September 6th returning Sunday the 9th. Please call =
Elizabeth at Wat to Go Travel at 713-467-2262 and work out paying. They can=
either send you the ticket or you can pick it up. Don and I have already r=
eserved our places and I have left a list of those that have confirmed to m=
e with Elizabeth. They are as follows. My! cell phone is 281-450-6115 pleas=
e call me for anything. If I left anyone out please inform me all we need t=
o do is give her the names. For those of you who may have to cancel I sugge=
st buying the ticket insurance it's only $35. Please do this asap because s=
ure as shit the prices just like morning wood will rise again. =20
1 Don Baughman
2 Travis Baughman
3 Marc Stewart
4 Reagan Marshall=20
5 Scott Tichavsky
6 Reid Stavinoha
7 Larry Campbell
8 Joe Ebert
9 Sean Tracey
10 Jd Kinser
11 Rudy Acevedo
12 Troy Williams

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