Enron Mail

Subject:Give relief
Date:Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:09:56 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] United Way September 11th Fund Phone: 212.251.4035 A=
merican Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund Phone: 1.800 HELP NOW Salvation =
Army Disaster Relief Effort Phone: 1.800.SAL.ARMY Feed The Children P=
hone: 1.800.525.7575 Federal EmployeesEducation & Assistance Fund - Wor=
d Trade Center/Pentagon Fund Phone: 1.303.933.7580 New York Firefighte=
r's Memorial Fund Phone: 1.877.863.4783 New York Times 9/11 Neediest Fu=
nd Americares Phone: 1.800.486.HELP Helping.org They have links to =
all major charities, plus selected smaller charities. The tragedies o=
f September 11, 2001 are with us forever. As a nation we're left to lit=
erally "pick up the pieces"-to find the great good in this country and let=
it prevail. That's where you come in. What you can do to help right n=
ow is donate money to charities that are participating in the relief effor=
ts underway in New York and Washington, D.C. Please click on the link to=
the donations pages for any of the charities listed to the left and give =
a $25, $100, $250, or even greater gift. You'll also see that we've list=
ed their toll-free numbers, so if heavy site traffic causes problems on an=
y of their sites, please call the charity directly or simply have patience=
and keep retrying the link. The United States is a sum of its people. A=
nd that's why it's up to us to do every bit of good we can as we continue =
to come together and overcome this tragedy. This message is brought t=
o you by a coalition of leading email marketing companies that are donatin=
g advertising to raise money on behalf of overall relief and support of v=
ictims and their families affected by the tragedy of September 11. Member =
companies include: SmartReminders, NetCreations, Inc., MyPoints, 24/7 Medi=
a, Sendmoreinfo, ValueClick, Yesmail. Seal of Authenticity: All email m=
arketing companies participating in bringing this message to you pledge ne=
ver to accept any kind of advertisements from "scam" offers attempting to=
take advantage of good will during this terrible time. Donations you make=
to charities listed on this email are processed on the charities' own web=
sites. If you have any questions, we suggest that you contact the chariti=
es directly on their toll free numbers that we've provided for you in this=
email. =09