Enron Mail

Subject:Greater Calling Area - Maximum Signal Reception
Date:Sun, 21 Jan 2001 21:06:13 -0800 (PST)

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Supercharge Your Cell Phone With Maximum
Signal Reception And Calling Area...

BOOST Reception on any cell phone, pager or cordless
and save 70%! The new, ultra-thin cell phone antenna
booster dramatically increases your reception...

It's like having the power of a 4 ft. antenna on your
cell phone. Just think--no more dropped or interrupted
calls. Works in elevators, cars, boats, mountains,
tunnels, buildings or any place your signal may drop!

Installs in a second - just slip in behind battery!
Advertised on TV at over 3 times the price.

Increase your power and strength to send and receive
calls, eliminate the risk of missing or dropping a
critical call.

Get this extremely valuable accessory for every
Cell Phone, Pager or Two-Way Radio today while
supplies last!

Your price through December 23nd is only $14.99!


Powerful new technology for your Cell Phone, Pager
or Two-Way Radio 100% GUARANTEED to give you:

+ Greater calling area!
+ Maximum signal reception!

Enhance your Cell Phone, Pager or Two-Way Radio's
signal for better reception in large buildings,
tunnels, elevators, and many other places where the
signal gets weak causing static, missed calls,
dropped calls, etc.

The easy-to-install internal antenna is like
adding 4 feet of antenna to your phone!

This hi-tec booster IS GUARANTEED to:

+ Reduce static
+ Provide clarity
+ Stabilize reception
+ Work on any phone
+ Work on any system

Easy to Install -
Just slip-in behind battery!

Get a FREE anti-radiation shield!


30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

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e-mail address from future mailings. To
permanently remove your address click the link
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