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=09=09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Dear larry, E*TRADE would like to help you find op= portunities in today's market. We'll start by offering you a great deal?25= stock trades on us! Then, we'll help you find the right investment opport= unities for you with our educational resources, research tools, and produc= ts. Personalized Solutions - No two investors are alike?that's why we o= ffer a wide selection of investment opportunities. We'll help you find the= right mutual funds for your portfolio in our Mutual Fund Center. We can= also provide you direct access to a national network of private money man= agers that can manage your account2. The E*TRADE Knowledge Center - Time= -tested investment strategies, the latest on the new tax cut, retirement p= lanning information, explanations of market terms, and much more?all to he= lp you achieve your specific investment goals. Outstanding Service - E*T= RADE's dedicated Financial Service Associates are available 24/7, 365 days= a year to answer any questions you may have regarding your E*TRADE accou= nt. GET STARTED TODAY! Open an E*TRADE brokerage account with a $1,000 = minimum deposit by August 25, 2001, and you'll receive up to 25 stock trad= es on us! (E*TRADE will rebate commissions for up to 25 stock trades made = during your first month as an E*TRADE customer.) [IMAGE] [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE]=09 1 Offer not valid for IRAs, retirement, or E*TRADE Bank accounts. Excludes existing E*TRADE customers, E*TRADE Associates, and n= on-U.S. residents. Offer only applies to new E*TRADE brokerage accounts op= ened with a $1,000 minimum deposit. E*TRADE will rebate the commission of= up to $19.95 per stock trade on up to a maximum of 25 trades for the firs= t 30 days the qualifying account is open. You will pay the normal rate on = all stock trades at the time of the trades, and your account will be credi= ted with the rebate within eight weeks of account approval and funding. Ac= count holders must maintain minimum funding in all accounts ($1,000 for ca= sh accounts, $2000 for margin accounts, less any trading losses) for at le= ast six months. Limit one non-transferable new account bonus per type of a= ccount. E*TRADE reserves the right to terminate this offer at any time. = 2 E*TRADE Personal Money Management is a service of E*TRADE Advisory Servi= ces, Inc., an investment advisor registered with the SEC. E*TRADE Advisory= Services, Inc. and E*TRADE Securities, Inc., member NASD/SIPC, are wholly= -owned subsidiaries of E*TRADE Group, Inc. Securities investments through = the portfolio management services offered by E*TRADE Personal Money Manage= ment are not guaranteed deposits or obligations of a bank, and therefore a= re not FDIC insured. These products are subject to market conditions and i= nvolve investment risks, including the possible loss of principal. HOW T= O UNSUBSCRIBE: You received this e-mail because you registered on the E*TRA= DE Web site, or on one of our partners' sites. If you do not want to receiv= e partner e-mail offers, or any E*TRADE marketing e-mail, you can change yo= ur preferences now. You are subscribed at: lcampbel@enron.com E*TRADE take= s your privacy seriously. To learn more about E*TRADE's use of personal inf= ormation, please read our Privacy Policy . System response and account ac= cess times may vary due to a variety of factors, including trading volumes= , market conditions, and system performance. The services described herein= are available to U.S. residents only. ?2001 E*TRADE Securities, Incorp= orated. All rights reserved. E*TRADE and the E*TRADE logo are registered t= rademarks of E*TRADE Securities, Inc. =09 [IMAGE][IMAGE]