Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 01:28:24 -0800 (PST)

IMMEDIATE BUY RECOMMENDATION Initiating Research Coverage Merilus Inc. =
Symbol: MERH Shares Outstanding: 13.2 million Share Price: $1.90 Market Ca=
pitalization: $25 million 52 Week Hi/Low: $8.50/$0.45 Estimated Public Floa=
t: 2 million shares Developed over the last four years, Merilus has recent=
ly started marketing the latest and most advanced computer security product=
s targeted for small to medium businesses. This market has been, and is p=
rojected to be, one of the fastest sectors in technology, largely unaffecte=
d by the current weakness in the market. THE PROBLEM AND OPPORTUNITY A=
Computer Security Institute and FBI survey showed 90% of large organizatio=
ns detected breaches into their computing systems. 74% of these organizati=
ons acknowledged financial losses. Price Waterhouse estimated this loss to=
be about $40 billion last year. The estimated number of computer attacks =
doubled last year according to the Emergency Response Team at Carnegie Mell=
on University. International Data Corp. (IDC) predicts the compounded annu=
al growth rates of digital security revenues will continue at over 88% per =
year over the next 5 years. Merilus' products target small to medium bus=
inesses, a particularly fast growing segment of the overall security market=
, which has been underserved by the major security manufacturers. IDC esti=
mates the small to medium business percentage of the total internet securit=
y software market will increase from the current 43% to about 70% by 2004. =
In terms of dollars, this means companies with fewer than 1000 employees co=
uld spend about $7.4 billion on security in 2004. We strongly feel Merilus=
is focusing on the right market, at the right time. MERILUS SOLUTIONS Me=
rilus' computer software and hardware products represent major innovations,=
which protect against computer information theft from hackers and others b=
oth outside and within the business. Their recently introduced FireCards a=
re the world's first network security system and firewall (controlling who =
can access what type of data) that easily inserts into the standard PCI slo=
t inside the computer. It is a computer within the computer allowing for re=
mote updating of new innovations and security measures to ensure sensitive =
data is protected as well as transmitted in a secure manner. Industry rev=
iews have given the new products high ratings. Secure Computing Magazine g=
ave the FireCard a five out of five star rating and The Tech Zone awarded a=
9.5 out of 10 score. NASA and Lockheed Martin are just a couple of the so=
phisticated organizations that have started using Merilus products. Even t=
hough Merilus and its products are relatively new to the market place we fe=
el they will also have good acceptance because they are extremely price com=
petitive. Management will strive to maintain its current 2:1 cost/feature =
ratio, where products are either half the price of competitors for the same=
functionality or twice the functionality for the same price. Manufacturin=
g of the products is contracted out to keep capital and inventory costs dow=
n and flexibility up. THE ROLLOUT Over the summer, after rigorous testing=
in Compaq's labs, Merilus has become a member of the Compaq Solutions Alli=
ance, allowing installation of products into Compaq computers. Merilus rece=
ntly announced they have partnered with the three largest distributors in N=
orth America: Ingram Micro, Tech Data and EMJ. Last week Merilus announced=
its Reseller Program, which provides marketing and technical support as we=
ll as substantial rebates to vendors selling Merilus' suite of computer sec=
urity products. MANAGEMENT Dana Epp, President of Merilus started writing=
commercial security monitoring software at the age of 14 and authored the =
book Computer Security Concepts, Managing Business Threats in a Wired World=
. Merilus has attracted a number of credible and notable Board members suc=
h as John Connally, son of the former US Treasury Secretary, John Paul DeJo=
ria, Chairman of John Paul Mitchell Systems. FINANCIALS and PROJECTIONS T=
wo companies established in this industry are SonicWall (SNWL) and Watchgua=
rd Technologies (WGRD). Over the last couple of years these two companies =
have enjoyed approximately 100% annualized revenue growth. Analyst's conse=
nsus (Thompson Financial) is that they will have sales growth next year of =
about 50% and 40%, respectively. Merilus is in the process of raising $3 mi=
llion in a Private Placement to power its marketing initiatives, increase i=
nventory and to strengthen its balance sheet. Management and its financier=
s expect to close this needed funding before year-end. Currently the Compan=
y has minimal, but rapidly increasing revenues. Management is estimating=
revenues of $8 million next year increasing to $34 million in 2003. In 20=
03 they estimate achieving net income of roughly $4 million. By 2003, we e=
stimate the shares outstanding could increase to about 18 million. If thes=
e numbers were met and a price to earnings ratio of 30 was applied, it coul=
d suggest a possible $6 share price. Management's latest estimates are for=
revenues increasing to $93 million in 2004. Merilus is little known in in=
vestment circles however an Investor Awareness Program is expected to start=
next week. For more information see www.merilus.com and call Steve Clare=
, investor relations, at 866-623-3320. Ben Johnson, Analyst First Securit=
ies Northwest, Inc. Member NASD and SIPC November 14, 2001 Mr. Johnson has =
been a Registered Representative and Analyst for NASD member firms for over=
25 years. Investing in Merilus, which is not yet profitable, is speculat=
ive and carries a high degree of risk. The material contained herein is so=
lely for informational purposes only and is neither an offer nor solicitati=
on to buy or sell any securities. The information is not guaranteed to be =
accurate and is not a complete statement or summary of the available data o=
n Merilus, and there may be errors and omissions. First Securities Northwes=
t and Ben Johnson own, and may buy and sell shares of Merilus from time to =
time. Forward looking-statements and comments contained herein within the m=
eaning of provisions of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, such as statem=
ents regarding business and financing, business trends, future revenues and=
profits, etc. contain no guarantee of future performance and that the actu=
al results may differ materially. There can be no assurances that any expe=
ctations will prove to be correct due to various risks and uncertainties. =
First Securities' prior app! roval is needed for any distribution of this r=
eport. Disclaimer: This is a paid advertisement from First Securitie=
s Northwest Research. The material contained in this report is being furnis=
hed solely for informational purposes. This is not a solicitation for the p=
urchase or sale of securities. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own =
research and due diligence, and/or obtain professional advice, prior to mak=
ing any investment decision. The information contained herein is based on s=
ources, which First Securities Northwest Research believes to be reliable, =
but is not guaranteed to be accurate, and does not purport to be a complete=
statement or summary of the available data. Any opinions expressed are sub=
ject to change without notice. The statements and opinions contained herein=
are not the statements and opinions of FreeRealTime.com, and FreeRealTime.=
com disclaims any liability for or arising from such statements and opinion=
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