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Subject:In the Zone, Online-Gaming Newsletter
Date:Sat, 4 Aug 2001 16:19:10 -0700 (PDT)

go to MSN Home =09In The Zone -- MSN Gaming Zone =09
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A{ color:#993300 } .SIDEBAR{ color:#ffffcc; } .eShopImg{ border-color:#0000=
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[IMAGE] =09
MSN Gaming Zone =09

=09August 4, 2001 -- Issue 41 =09=09=09

N COOLPIX 775 (25048) - ? $378.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] RadioShack=
.com Lyra II Digital Player/Rec $199.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Rad=
ioShack.com Iomega HipZip $199.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] RadioShac=
k.com Compaq iPAQ Audio Player $229.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Best=
Buy.com Hannibal [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Chatterbox: Learn about the=
Conquerors International Tournament Come to the Zone Theater Chat room, A=
ugust 7th, at 6:00pm Pacific where you'll learn the ins and outs about the =
upcoming Conquerors International tournament. Rumble with The_Sheriff in A=
ge of Kings Are you ready to rumble? Hone your showdown skills with The_Sh=
eriff, a member of Ensemble Studios, the makers of the Age Series. The_Sher=
iff will be sharing Age of Empires tricks and tips live in the Zone Theater=
Chat. Check out Member Plus Central for more details . [IMAGE] Ha=
ve You Signed Up for The Zone? If you're not a Zone member, you're missing=
out on a ton of great gameplay, special contests and events, giveaways and=
who knows what all. You won't know unless you sign up now . It's easy and =
completely free. Sign up, get your Zone Name, and start playing games onlin=
e! FREE Signup Problems With Your Subscription If you have any pro=
blems with your subscription send a mail to wchelp@hotmail.com . You'll rec=
eive an automated reply that contains lots of solutions to frequently asked=
questions, plus a way to get even more answers for your needs. =09=09=
[IMAGE] Warrior Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors International Tourn=
ament Attention all gamers! The Zone is giving you an opportunity to compe=
te for a share of $100,000 in cash and prizes. We're inviting all players f=
rom the US, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Belgi=
um, Netherlands, Brazil, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Argentina, and Aus=
tralia to come take the ultimate challenge in real-time strategy. You DEFIN=
ITELY don't want to miss out on this. Fish NEW on Zone Kids: Dino D=
ig ! Discover the amazing world of dinosaurs. Can you piece together a Spi=
nosaurus before time's up? Play Dino Dig. New at the Zone Trivia St=
art Monkeying Around ! Are humans smarter than apes? Prove it by playing "=
Planet of the Apes" trivia. Sharpen Your Card Game Check out card exper=
t, Joe Andrew's monthly Spades and Euchre column . Cards Blender =
NSync is Out of Sync! Piece back together the guys of NSync before the=
y go "Bye! Bye! Bye!" Cool Stuff Preview and Play MechCommander 2 Now i=
s your chance to know what it's like to command! MechCommander 2, the highl=
y-anticipated sequel to the original MechCommander title, now has a trial v=
ersion available for download. Find Your Classmates Looking for old high=
school friends on the Net? Go to ClassMates.com! Make good on the promise =
you made at graduation to keep in touch. ClassMates.com has over 10 million=
registered high school alumni. Zone Fun Trivia Answer The answer to l=
ast issue's trivia question, "In Bridge, what is the highest possible bid y=
ou can make?" IS 7 NT (no trump) This issue's question: "In Hearts, whic=
h card will give you negative 10 points?" =09

[IMAGE] =09

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go to MSN Home =09Other Links: Downloads Chat Free Games Air=
Tickets MSN Explorer More... =09=09Special Features: eShop: great s=
tores, great deals Are your friends online? The Web's best personal finan=
ce site Sign up for a FREE Hotmail account Send Money Online More... =

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