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Subject:In the Zone, Online-Gaming Newsletter
Date:Sat, 1 Sep 2001 19:17:00 -0700 (PDT)

go to MSN Home =09In The Zone -- MSN Gaming Zone =09
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A{ color:#993300 } .SIDEBAR{ color:#ffffcc; } .eShopImg{ border-color:#0000=
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[IMAGE] =09
MSN Gaming Zone =09

=09September 1, 2001 -- Issue 43 =09=09=09

=09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Discoverystore.com=
B-25 Mitchell Model $99.00 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Discoverystore.=
com The Curse of Tutankhamen Video $19.95 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] D=
iscoverystore.com PT-17 Kaydett Model $99.00 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] Discoverystore.com Red Jacket Model Ship $199.00 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Discoverystore.com Union Statues $49.00 Sale $29.00 [IMAGE] [=
IMAGE] [IMAGE] Conquerors Int'l Tournament Dates Attention International =
Age players! Sept. 5th is when the registration for Germany closes and when=
the registration for Sweden opens. Hurry and sign up today. Win a Home E=
ntertainment System Play OutSmart, collect all the clues, and solve the my=
stery. You could win an awesome entertainment system. [IMAGE] Have=
You Signed Up for The Zone? If you're not a Zone member, you're missing o=
ut on a ton of great gameplay, special contests and events, giveaways and w=
ho knows what all. You won't know unless you sign up now . It's easy and co=
mpletely free. Sign up, get your Zone Name, and start playing games online!=
FREE Signup Problems With Your Subscription If you have any probl=
ems with your subscription send a mail to wchelp@hotmail.com . You'll recei=
ve an automated reply that contains lots of solutions to frequently asked q=
uestions, plus a way to get even more answers for your needs. =09=09[I=
MAGE] Win TRL "Total Request Live" How would you like to win ticket=
s for you and a guest to attend the MTV TRL tour in Honolulu, Hawaii on Sep=
tember 21st? It's simple. Play the Eve OutSmart episode starting August 28=
th and upload your score for a chance to win! Infantry Start the =
Game Already ! $50,000 US cold hard cash is yours for the taking; that is =
if you're brave enough to take it. Sign up for the Age International Conqu=
erors Tournament today! Zone NEW! Be Our 'Guest' Invite your frien=
ds to come onto the Zone for a quick game of Checkers, Chess or any other c=
ard and board game. They can play as a guest. Find out more. New at the =
Zone 3 Hole Challenge Golf to Win $5,000 ! The Zone and Qwest are giv=
ing away $5,000 cash. Play 3 Hole Challenge now through September 28th for =
your chance to win. Explore the Zone Day On Sept. 15th, our Member Plu=
ses will be online to talk about all the awesome events and features the Zo=
ne has to offer. Zone logo Blender Playing with Destiny Shaki=
n' it with the ladies of Destiny's Child. Play Blender. Cool Stuff Get Y=
our Favorite Magazine Looking for a good read? As a registered Zone playe=
r, Magazine Outlet is giving you 3,000 InstantPoints. Trade your points in =
for a first year of your favorite magazines at no cash cost. Armed Forces=
Keeping in Touch Have a good story to share? If you're in the Armed Force=
s, tell us how you keep in touch with loved ones through the Zone. ClassM=
ates.com Looking for old high school friends on the Net? Go to ClassMates.=
com! Make good on the promise you made at graduation to keep in touch. Clas=
sMates.com has over 10 million registered high school alumni. We are "Your =
24 Hour Online High School Class Reunion." ClassMates.com! Zone Fun Triv=
ia Answer The answer to last issue's trivia question, "In Age of Empires =
II: The Conquerors, can you name the two animals that you can kill but from=
which you cannot gather food?" IS Wolf and Jaguar This issue's question=
: "Can you name the five new Zone Casino games?" =09

[IMAGE] =09

[IMAGE]=09=09=09=09To unsubscribe, reply to this email with the word "UNSUB=
SCRIBE" in the subject line. =09[IMAGE]=09

go to MSN Home =09Other Links: Downloads Chat Free Games Air=
Tickets MSN Explorer More... =09=09Special Features: eShop: great s=
tores, great deals Are your friends online? The Web's best personal finan=
ce site Sign up for a FREE Hotmail account Send Money Online More... =

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