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Subject:In the Zone, Online-Gaming Newsletter
Date:Sat, 15 Sep 2001 09:54:47 -0700 (PDT)

go to MSN Home =09In The Zone -- MSN Gaming Zone =09
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A{ color:#993300 } .SIDEBAR{ color:#ffffcc; } .eShopImg{ border-color:#0000=
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[IMAGE] =09
MSN Gaming Zone =09

=09September 15, 2001 -- Issue 44 =09=09=09

=09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Discoverystore.com=
Babies in the Wild $13.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Cooking.com Dan=
cing Deer Baking Co. Cooki... $25.95 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 800.com=
Meet the Parents [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 800.com Rugrats in Paris=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ritz Camera.com Olympus Digital Cameras $=
599.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Play Rogue Spear and Win ! Through Oct=
ober 12th sign up to play in the Rogue Spear Fall Frenzy tournament. You co=
uld win a retail copy of Rogue Spear: Black Thorn. Tee off to win $5,000 =
Play 3 Hole Challenge now through September 28th for your chance to win $5,=
000! It's fun for everyone. [IMAGE] Have You Signed Up for The Zon=
e? If you're not a Zone member, you're missing out on a ton of great gamep=
lay, special contests and events, giveaways and who knows what all. You won=
't know unless you sign up now . It's easy and completely free. Sign up, ge=
t your Zone Name, and start playing games online! FREE Signup Probl=
ems With Your Subscription If you have any problems with your subscription=
send a mail to wchelp@hotmail.com . You'll receive an automated reply that=
contains lots of solutions to frequently asked questions, plus a way to ge=
t even more answers for your needs. =09=09[IMAGE] Flag The Zon=
e is deeply saddened by the tragic events of September 11th and our prayers=
and deepest sympathies are with the victims, their families and all of tho=
se affected. Mariah All that "Glitters " Preview images from Mariah =
Carey's upcoming film when you play Blender; and see if you can piece her b=
ack together again before time's up. Chariot Still Going . . . Th=
e Conquerors International Tournament is kicking into high gear. Come take =
part in the action; and see if YOU can walk away with $50,000 cash! New=
at the Zone Slots Play with Virtual Change Feeling hot? Come play C=
asino Slots and win BIG! Learn Something New Card expert, Joe Andrews =
shares new ways to play Hearts. And afterwards, check out Joe's new Spades =
and Euchre column. Hearts Blender Jammin' with Fat Boy Slim=
Mixin' it with MTV winner Fat Boy Slim. Can you put him back together? =
Cool Stuff Get the Scoop from Magazine Outlet Keep informed with the late=
st news and trends. Receive your favorite magazine for one year when you tr=
ade in your 3,000 InstantPoints just for being a registered Zone player. It=
's FREE! Come Be Our Guest Are you new to the Zone? Would you like to te=
st drive games without a membership? Then you'll be happy to hear that we'l=
l soon be rolling out the red carpet for Guests on the Zone. Zone Fun Tr=
ivia Answer The answer to last issue's trivia question, "Can you name the=
five new Zone Casino games?" IS Roulette, Craps, Blackjack, Slots, Deuce=
s Wild: Video Poker This issue's question: "Can you name the Chess piece t=
hat moves in the L formation?" =09

[IMAGE] =09

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go to MSN Home =09Other Links: Downloads Chat Free Games Air=
Tickets MSN Explorer More... =09=09Special Features: eShop: great s=
tores, great deals Are your friends online? The Web's best personal finan=
ce site Sign up for a FREE Hotmail account Send Money Online More... =

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