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Subject:In the Zone, Online-Gaming Newsletter
Date:Sat, 29 Sep 2001 13:48:28 -0700 (PDT)

go to MSN Home =09In The Zone -- MSN Gaming Zone =09
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A{ color:#993300 } .SIDEBAR{ color:#ffffcc; } .eShopImg{ border-color:#0000=
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[IMAGE] =09
MSN Gaming Zone =09

=09September 29, 2001 -- Issue 45 =09=09=09

=09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 800.com Unbreakab=
le [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] NORDSTROM.com Lambskin Leather Blazer-Pl=
us ? $288.00 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Sears.com Compaq 32 MB PDA, Ex=
pandable ? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 800.com Legend of Bagger Vance =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Discoverystore.com Mammoth Bones $49.99 Sal=
e $29.99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Spooky Spades Tournament Bring a fri=
end and play in our Spooky Spades tournament. You could win some awesome pr=
izes! Registration opens Oct. 4th. Boo-Gammon Tournament Win a DVD player=
when you play in our Boo-Gammon (backgammon) tournament. Registration open=
s Oct. 11th. [IMAGE] Have You Signed Up for The Zone? If you're n=
ot a Zone member, you're missing out on a ton of great gameplay, special co=
ntests and events, giveaways and who knows what all. You won't know unless =
you sign up now . It's easy and completely free. Sign up, get your Zone Nam=
e, and start playing games online! FREE Signup Problems With Your S=
ubscription If you have any problems with your subscription send a mail to=
wchelp@hotmail.com . You'll receive an automated reply that contains lots =
of solutions to frequently asked questions, plus a way to get even more ans=
wers for your needs. =09=09[IMAGE] Shield Asheron's Call Dark =
Majesty With the upcoming release of the much anticipated expansion pack t=
o Asheron's Call -- news, rumors, and reviews abound. See what all of the e=
xcitement is about. Play MummyMatch How many scarabs can you elimi=
nate? Play MummyMatch and enter for a chance to win a trip to attend the Sc=
orpion King Premiere. New at the Zone Age Meet the Conquerors Fina=
lists Come meet the finalists who will be participating in the Conquerors =
International FINAL tournament. One of these lucky finalists will walk away=
with $50,000. OutSmart John Landis Hey movie buffs! Take on the Direc=
tor of American Werewolf in London, John Landis. OutSmart MechWarri=
or New! MechWarrior 4 Patch Download and install the MechWarrior 4 ver=
sion 2.0 patch today. It includes new game updates and improvements. Coo=
l Stuff Must Win Entertainment System Like to solve a good mystery? Colle=
ct clues when you play OutSmart. Be the first to solve the mystery and you =
could win a high-tech entertainment system. Reading is fun with Magazine =
Outlet Keep up with current events and trends. Receive your favorite magaz=
ine for one year when you trade in your 3,000 InstantPoints just for being =
a registered Zone player. It's FREE! It's Dandy with Mandy She's all jum=
bled up. Put her back together again before time's up. Play Blender. Onli=
ne Reunions Looking for your high school sweetheart? Or want to get in tou=
ch with some of your old friends? Go to ClassMates.com where you'll find ov=
er 10 million registered high school alumni. Zone Fun Trivia Answer Th=
e answer to last issue's trivia question, "Can you name the Chess piece tha=
t moves in the L formation?" IS The Knight This issue's question: "In Ag=
e of Empires: Conquerors, can you name the Saracen's unique unit?" =09

[IMAGE] =09

[IMAGE]=09=09=09=09To unsubscribe, reply to this email with the word "UNSUB=
SCRIBE" in the subject line. =09[IMAGE]=09

go to MSN Home =09Other Links: Downloads Chat Free Games Air=
Tickets MSN Explorer More... =09=09Special Features: eShop: great s=
tores, great deals Are your friends online? The Web's best personal finan=
ce site Sign up for a FREE Hotmail account Send Money Online More... =

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