Enron Mail

Date:Wed, 15 Aug 2001 12:02:14 -0700 (PDT)

market_relations@nyiso.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

Dear Market Participants,

The NYISO is pleased to inform you about the following
enhancements to the public web server (www.nyiso.com), MIS and
SPIDER that will be implemented on August 28, 2001.

Generation Supplier Issues --

Additional deliverables will be completed with the following
functionality added to the NYISO markets. Please refer to the
appropriate Technical Bulletin posted on the NYISO web site for
a complete and full description.

Payment rules for unit start-up will be modified to allow
a unit to receive start-up payments for both the Day Ahead
and the Real-time market provided the unit is economically
qualified and is scheduled in both markets. This change is
pending approval by the Business Issues Committee at its
August 23, 2001 meeting.

Payment rules for unforced energy replacement will also be
modified. Suppliers scheduled to provide energy or ancillary
services to the NYISO marketplace may be eligible to recover
their Day Ahead margins if insufficient revenue is realized
to cover such costs.

Uninstructed Over-generation will be allowed such that
off-dispatch generating units will be allowed to follow
economic base points and be paid for such deviations above
their base points provided those deviations are economically

Lost Opportunity Cost Payments --

These payments will be applied for the period from May 30, 2000
through November 8, 2000 as defined by FERC order issued
April 2, 2001.

System Changes (as ordered by FERC to expand mitigation rules for New York
City generating units) --

Payments resulting from the Security Constrained Unit Commitment
(SCUC), including minimum generation, start-up and energy payments
for all in-City generation may be mitigated.

Payments resulting from Supplemental Resource Evaluation (SRE)
commitment, including minimum generation, start-up and energy
payments for all in-City generation may be mitigated.

Mitigation measures may also be applied to energy, start-up and
minimum generation payments made to units operated out-of-merit (OOM)
in Real-Time for all in-City generation.

Additional Changes --

Market Participants will be allowed to query the Customer Relations
Help Desk system from the NYISO web site. This will allow
to check on the status of their current questions and review their
historical questions/issues with the NYISO.

A new menu option will be available on the Bidding and Scheduling
page. The 'Daily Transaction Summary' report will show the status of
all transactions for a user and their requested and scheduled MW's.

A new Upload/Download template will be created that will give Market
Participants access to specific billing data down to the 5-minute
level of granularity.

The migration of web postings from InfoReports to MrXML will continue.
The structure of all migrated reports will be retained, therefore,
changes will be transparent to the user.

If you notice any NYISO systems behave other than intended after
the scheduled implementation date, please let us know immediately.

It will be helpful if you refer to this notice if you communicate with us
about these changes.

Thank you,
Customer Relations
Phone: 518-356-6060