Enron Mail

Subject:NYISO - Tariff Filing - Cost Allocation for New Interconnection
Date:Thu, 30 Aug 2001 09:45:42 -0700 (PDT)

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TIE List:

On Wednesday August 29, 2001, the NYISO made a Management Committee

Filing of New Attachment S to Open Access Transmission Tariff to Implement
Rules to Allocate Responsibility for the Cost of New Interconnection
Facilities, and Request for Expedited Action.

This filing is being distributed to all subscribers to the TIE as indicated
to FERC. The following files make up the filing submitted August 29th.

(See attached file: Boergers ltr transmitting Attachment S(v1).pdf)(See
attached file: Attachment 1 - Clean Attachment S(v1).pdf)(See attached
file: Attachment 1 - Clean OATT Body(v1).pdf)

(See attached file: Attachment 2 - Blackline Attachment S(v1).pdf)(See
attached file: Attachment 2 - Blackline OATT body(v1).pdf)
- Boergers ltr transmitting Attachment S(v1).pdf
- Attachment 1 - Clean Attachment S(v1).pdf
- Attachment 1 - Clean OATT Body(v1).pdf
- Attachment 2 - Blackline Attachment S(v1).pdf
- Attachment 2 - Blackline OATT body(v1).pdf