Enron Mail

Subject:NYISO - Technical Bulletin # 76 - Bidding, Scheduling and
Date:Fri, 7 Sep 2001 13:54:43 -0700 (PDT)

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Dear Market Participant,

Technical Bulletin # 76 - Bidding, Scheduling and Settlement
Rules for CLR and ELR - is being distributed for Market Participant
comment. The Technical Bulletin will be posted to the NYISO
web site following the comment period.

Please note that comments received will be forwarded
to the Generation Issues Task Force (GITF) for review
and discussion. The identity of the person / company
submitting the comment will not be disclosed.

The purpose of our Technical Bulletins is to facilitate participation
in the NYISO by communicating various NYISO concepts,
techniques, and processes to Market Participants before they
can be formally documented in a NYISO manual.

Please forward comments on this Technical Bulletin, via email,
by 5PM on Friday, September 14, 2001 to:

Peter Lemme
NYISO Customer Technical Services

(See attached file: TB_76_A.pdf)
- TB_76_A.pdf