Enron Mail

Subject:NYS Reliability Council Executive Committee
Cc:rbolbrock@lipower.org, wclagett@orci.com, roger.clayton@gen.pge.com,kmennerich@cenhud.com, mhogan@cenhud.com, sassonm@coned.com, varneckasv@coned.com, awhite@couchwhite.com, hat@dps.state.ny.us, edward_schrom@dps.state.ny.us, engl@nimo.com, haase.k@ny
Bcc:rbolbrock@lipower.org, wclagett@orci.com, roger.clayton@gen.pge.com,kmennerich@cenhud.com, mhogan@cenhud.com, sassonm@coned.com, varneckasv@coned.com, awhite@couchwhite.com, hat@dps.state.ny.us, edward_schrom@dps.state.ny.us, engl@nimo.com, haase.k@ny
Date:Wed, 1 Aug 2001 05:40:04 -0700 (PDT)

The Executive Committee of the New York State Reliability Council ("NYSRC")
is posting this message to inform all interested parties of the ability to
attend in person or participate, on a "listen-only" basis, in the NYSRC
Executive Committee's Meeting No. 28 scheduled for August 17, 2001,
starting at 10:00A.M. at the Albany Country Club in Guilderland, NY.
Attached in Word format is the Agenda for this meeting. Also attached are
two pdf files with directions to the Albany Country Club. The NYSRC has
opened its Committee, Subcommittee, and Working Group meetings in
accordance with NYSRC Policy No. 2, which is available of the NYSRC web
site at "www.nysrc.org", on the "Policies" web page.

Those who plan on attending the meeting in person are requested to contact
me at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting (by at least August
10th) by sending me an email at "jcfleury@nyseg.com", with the names of the
individuals & organizations attending. Meeting space will be available on
a first-come, first-served basis due to the space limitations of the
conference rooms.

Those wishing to participate on a "listen-only" basis can call (304)
345-7506, and enter Participant Code 903712, starting at 10:00 A.M.
Participants will be required to place their telephones on mute so as not
to prevent other parties from participating. Those who plan on listening
to the meeting shall send an email to my attention at "jcfleury@nyseg.com"
with the names of the individuals & organizations participating.

Attendees who are not NYSRC Executive Committee Members or Alternate
Members will be given an opportunity to comment at the end of each meeting,
or earlier at the Chairman's invitation.

Should you have any questions, please contact me by email at
jcfleury@nyseg.com or by phone at (607) 762-4698.

Joseph C. Fleury
Secretary, NYSRC Executive Committee

(See attached file: NYSRC Agenda Mtg#28.doc)(See attached file:
AlbanyCCdir.pdf)(See attached file: AlbanyCCmap.pdf)
- NYSRC Agenda Mtg#28.doc
- AlbanyCCdir.pdf
- AlbanyCCmap.pdf