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Subject:New at Ofoto: Holiday photo cards, gifts and more!
Date:Sun, 11 Nov 2001 13:27:26 -0800 (PST)

o.com: Beautiful Prints & Frames, Delivered to Your Door View and Edit =
Albums Buy Prints Ofoto Store [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] issue 20 |=
november 2001 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [=
IMAGE] ? Send Season's Greetings with Holiday Cards [IMAGE] ? Take the P=
erfect Holiday Photo ? Happy Holidays at the Ofoto Store [IMAGE] ? Hol=
iday Shopping Time Saver ? Wrap Your Photos in Holiday Borders [IMAGE] =
? Creative Clicks ? Help is Only a Click Away [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] =
[IMAGE][IMAGE]Dear larry, One reason I love the holidays is because they'r=
e such a great time to connect with friends and family. To help you keep in=
touch this year, Ofoto has three different ways you can make your personal=
photos into festive holiday cards. There's more below on all your holiday =
card possibilities, plus photo tips, fun gift ideas and much more. Enjoy! [=
IMAGE]Cheers,[IMAGE]James Joaquin,President [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IM=
AGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] Send Season's Greetings with Holiday Cards Cr=
eating your holiday cards at Ofoto is fast, fun and easy. We've got three =
types of cards and a sleighful of designs to choose from, so you're sure to=
find the right style for you. Best of all, you'll get discounts on greater=
quantities - the more you buy, the more you save! [IMAGE] Photo Greet=
ing Cards [IMAGE] An Ofoto exclusive! We've put a new twist on the tradit=
ional holiday card - it's your favorite photo and custom message on big 5 x=
7" prints. They're a snap to make, with a dozen designs to choose from. Af=
fordably priced at $14.95 for 20 prints with envelopes. Photo Insert C=
ards We've brought back this favorite from last year and added new desig=
ns ranging from elegant to fun! Insert your 4 x 6" prints into these greeti=
ng cards for an impressive photo display. Just $15.00 for 10 prints, cards =
and envelopes. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Custom-Printed Cards Dazzle frien=
ds and family with your photo and customized message printed on premium 5 x=
7" card stock. Add a special touch with our holiday photo borders . We can=
even mail them for you! Priced starting at $2.99 per card. [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] OFOTO TIP Great Photos are in the Cards Five Ways to Take th=
e Perfect Holiday Photo Trying to decide which p=
hoto to use for your holiday card can turn any Santa into a Scrooge. To kee=
p your spirits merry and bright this year, be sure to read photo expert Kim=
Brady's five ways to take the perfect holiday photo . [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Happy Holidays at the Ofoto Store [IMAGE] We've stocked the Ofoto Store =
full of great gift possibilities, including frames, albums and fun items l=
ike photo ornaments and stockings. They're available in plenty of styles an=
d price ranges, and remember - we'll frame your photos for you so they arri=
ve ready for display! There's no better personal gift than a photo, so star=
t shopping today. [IMAGE] Holiday Shopping Time Saver Ofoto has int=
roduced a new shipping feature that makes shopping a snap: when you place a=
n order, you can send a photo gift to everyone on your list all at once. Du=
ring checkout, just select the addresses you want and your gift will instan=
tly be multiplied! [IMAGE] Wrap Your Photos in Holiday Borders! [IMAGE]=
Decorate your prints and Custom-Printed Cards for the holidays! We've c=
reated 20 new photo borders in seasonal styles including Christmas, Hanukka=
h, Kwanzaa and New Year's. Click here to see more holiday photo borders. =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Creative Clicks=
Here's a handy holiday photo tip from Lesa B.: "I like to make gift tag=
s by cutting my Ofoto prints into shapes such as stars, ovals, Christmas tr=
ees, etc. I cut a small hole at top and tie ribbon to secure the tag to the=
package. I have two children so I use their pictures and let them personal=
ize the back. The tags become a bigger hit than the present itself!" Clic=
k here to see some of Ofoto's creative holiday photo ideas. Send your Crea=
tive Clicks to creativeclicks@ofoto.com .If we use your idea in OfotoFocus =
you'll receive 25 free prints! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Help is Only a Click =
Away If you have any questions while you're doing your Ofoto holiday sho=
pping, just visit help.ofoto.com . Now you can instantly find the answers y=
ou need about our service, products, promotions and more by simply typing i=
n a keyword or phrase. Plus, our customer service center is always open 24x=
7 for your convenience! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] If you enjoyed this=
issue of OfotoFocus please forward it to a friend. Thanks! Unsubsc=
ribe info: OfotoFocus is sent to registered Ofoto users who have requested =
that we send them offers and information. If you prefer not to receive thes=
e offers or information, please reply to this email and type "unsubscribe" =
in the subject line before sending. Copyright ? 2001 Ofoto, Inc. All righ=
ts reserved. Ofoto and the Ofoto logo are registered trademarks of Ofoto, I=
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