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=09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE]=09=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] PlaySite Rated Chess Players! [IMAGE] BuIIdog (4044) K= ramnikJnr (4003) GM_Mephisto (3890) GM_vvrenju (3850) iuyiuyiuy (357= 3) CG-ChessGods (3564) CajuOneChess (3500) BIGBOSSCHESS (3400) Jeann= eArc (3233) juhjuhjuh (3170) (Rankings as of July 17) [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] issue #4 [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Should I Get The Orange Properties Or The Blue?= Remember when you and your little sister would sit down to play a game of= Monopoly? And how you would always sneak an extra $500 bill while she woul= d always manage to land on the orange properties and make you pay rent? Tim= e for a rematch! PlaySite's Monopoly, offered in conjunction with Hasbro.co= m, has become one of our most popular online games. No cheating allowed, bu= t you might want to learn from your sister and buy those orange properties.= Why? Because according to many Monopoly experts, the orange group as a = whole provides some of the best return on investment for developed properti= es. This is because the Jail square is the one visited the most times durin= g a game. You may be just visiting Jail, or you may have been sent there by= a card, by the "Go To Jail" space on the board, or by rolling doubles. Fro= m the Jail, a player HAS to land on something that is on the second or thir= d side of the board (the light purple, orange, red or yellow properties). S= tatistically, the property square that is most landed on is Illinois Avenue= . But the orange properties are also top 15 contenders for the most landed = on squares and are relatively inexpensive to develop. What other winning= strategies do you have? Do you like to own the utilities and railroads, or= do you prefer the low-rent district of the dark purple and light blue prop= erty groups? Put your theories to the test and play Monopoly! [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] e2 to e4 1 e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Bf1-c4 h7-h6 Is this programm= ing code or a particularly bad Scrabble rack? Neither, it's algebraic notat= ion and it's used to keep a history of the moves in a chess game. Now, befo= re you go running away screaming at the word "algebraic," you should note t= hat it's easy to learn, it allows you to reconstruct games from the past th= at can help your own style of play, and it's a standard feature in PlaySite= 's chess. We call it "Game History" and you can view it in games you watch,= or your own games. Reviewing game histories, and trying alternatives, is t= he best way to improve your chess-playing abilities. Check out how it works= , and then take on some of the top PlaySite chess players... [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Q: Who invented Monopoly? A: Nuh uh. If yo= u said Charles Darrow, you've fallen for a long-believed myth about the ori= gins of the game. In truth, the game evolved over time, finding its origina= l shape in Elizabeth Magie's 1904 offering called The Landlord's Game. This= game was modified by Magie over a period of years, adopted and refined und= er different names by other game designers, and eventually the game found i= ts way to Charles Darrow. To be charitable, it could be said that Darrow po= pularized the game and got Parker Brothers to produce and sell the game, bu= t we owe a big round of thanks, or a trip to GO and $200, to Elizabeth Magi= e. [IMAGE] Q: Besides algebraic, what is the other form of chess no= tation called? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A: Descriptive notation. Descriptive notat= ion uses capital letters as abbreviations for the piece that is moving and = its destination square. For instance, the move e4 (algebraic) would be nota= ted as P-K4 (descriptive), in that the P (Pawn) is moving to the 4th row on= the King's column (K4). [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09 =09=09=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09=09=09We have your e-mail registered as: [lcampbel@enron.com]. Our= records show that you are interested in receiving this newsletter from Pla= ySite. To unsubscribe to this mailing: Please go to the following page - = http://www.go2net.com/customize/email/unsubcenter.html and follow the dire= ctions accordingly. Terms of Service: http://www.go2net.com/corporate/leg= al/terms.html Privacy Policy: http://www.go2net.com/corporate/legal = =09 [IMAGE]