Enron Mail

Subject:Protect your Pet with Healthy Pet Insurance
Date:Tue, 6 Nov 2001 16:11:42 -0800 (PST)

Dear SmartReminders Member,
Caring for your pet just got easier...CLICK HERE! =09 Looking for affordab=
le health coverage for your cat or dog? Healthy Pet Insurance , underw=
ritten by a member company of AIG (American International Group), allows p=
et owners to take the financial considerations out of difficult veterinary=
treatment decisions. Healthy Pet Insurance provides the following bene=
fits: Comprehensive coverage of many veterinary services for the treatm=
ent of illness and injuries Coverage for spaying, neutering, pet health m=
aintenance, vaccines and many pre-existing conditions Owners choice of ve=
terinarian, no pre-authorization required Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual =
or annual premium payment options $20 discount for insuring more than one=
pet One-time $100 annual deductible (most plans charge a per-visit deduc=
tible) Reimbursement for 80 percent of all covered veterinary services H=
olistic, homeopathic, herbal and acupuncture coverage Online claim forms a=
nd customer service center Call center support for questions regarding app=
lying for coverage, policy concerns, coverage issues, claim filing and mor=
e Healthy Pet Insurance offers 3 different levels of coverage: Basic=
, Plus, and Ultimate. All are designed for dogs between eight weeks and ei=
ght years of age, and cats between eight weeks and ten years of age. Annua=
l policy premiums range from $90 to $484. About the program underwriter: =
Healthy Pet Insurance is underwritten by American International Group (AI=
G); an A++ rated insurance carrier. AIG is the leading U.S. - based intern=
ational insurance and financial service organization in the world and the =
largest underwriter of commercial and industrial insurance. AIG maintains =
the highest industry ratings for financial strength, stability and size. =
Get Healthy Pet Insurance << =09


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