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PJM deliverability items. I am not sure this is all or the most current, but
I found it quickly. Roy J. Shanker 9009 Burning Tree Road Bethesda, MD 20817 301-365-3654 301-365-3657 FAX 301-332-0486 NEW CELL royjshanker@worldnet.att.net -----Original Message----- From: owner-nyiso_tech_exchange@lists.thebiz.net [mailto:owner-nyiso_tech_exchange@lists.thebiz.net]On Behalf Of Mark Younger Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 10:42 AM To: Tech Team EMail List, Subject: FW: edits for ICAP Deliverability Task Force Conference Call I am forwarding these edits to the Tech Team Email List per Aaron's request during the ICAP deliverability call. -----Original Message----- From: Michael Jacobs [mailto:michael.jacobs@attglobal.net] Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 8:09 AM To: dave_clarke@NavigantConsulting.com; BKranz@nyiso.com Cc: adesell@nyiso.com; scheije@selectenergy.com; cwnetlent@aesc.com; mdy@slater-consulting.com; gbfreeland@nyseg.com; mcadwalader@lecg.com; fafelder@erols.com; kevin_jones@NavigantConsulting.com; Laurie_Oppel@NavigantConsulting.com Subject: edits for ICAP Deliverability Task Force Conference Call Dave and all: I am attaching our additions, in a redlined version, to the very good start on this survey of the landscape of ICAP deliverability. I won't be available for the phone call, but Frank Felder will try to catch a good part of the call for TransEnergieUS. I am on the road, so please use michael.jacobs@transenergieus.com for e-mail replies. Thanks. Mike Jacobs TransEnergieUS, Ltd. 110 Turnpike Rd, Suite 300 Westborough, MA 01581 508-870-9900 x 114 -----Original Message----- From: dave_clarke@NavigantConsulting.com [mailto:dave_clarke@NavigantConsulting.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 4:45 PM To: BKranz@nyiso.com Cc: adesell@nyiso.com; scheije@selectenergy.com; cwnetlent@aesc.com; michael.jacobs@transenergieus.com; mdy@slater-consulting.com; gbfreeland@nyseg.com; mcadwalader@lecg.com; fafelder@erols.com; kevin_jones@NavigantConsulting.com; Laurie_Oppel@NavigantConsulting.com Subject: ICAP Deliverability Task Force Conference Call Folks, Attached is an agenda for the ICAP deliverability conference call on Friday. To facilitate discussion, I have put together a very rough draft that identifies several of the major approaches and the concerns raised and concerns addressed by each. I would invite all folks participating to make comments clarifying each alternative as well as raising additional concerns or identifying other concerns that are addressed by each approach. If you have another approach, please submit it for the group's consideration. Thanks David Clarke Navigant Consulting 20 Madison Avenue Extension Albany, NY 12203-5326 phone: (518) 464-2705 fax: (518) 456-6008 (See attached file: ICAPDeliverabilityAgenda090701.doc)(See attached file: Deliverability Issue 0904.doc) - PJM discussion of deliverability 02-18-99.pdf - PJM generator deliverability procedure 05-08-00.pdf