Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Follow Up Material from 9/19 Pricing Issues Task Force meeting
Date:Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:39:08 -0700 (PDT)

market_relations@nyiso.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

Andrew Hartshorn
09/21/2001 04:03 PM

Sent by: Andrew Hartshorn

To: nyiso_tech_exchange@list1.thebiz.net

Subject: Re: Follow Up Material from 9/19 Pricing Issues Task Force

Responding to Tim Lynch's comments:

The BME-SCD Operating Reserve Comparison includes the following note:
"Data for BME hours beginning 0:00 was not reliable, assumed all hours were
not short."

Please explain why data for this hour each day is unreliable and how it
impacts customer bills. We are troubled that after operating a system for
nearly two years, problems remain that cause this magnitude of inaccuracy.

Tim Lynch
NYSEG Energy Trading

As was explained at the PITF meeting the footnote in question related to a
data transferral problem between the NYISO and LECG that had NO IMPACT on
the BME prices, schedules or any billing matters.

To collate the data for the PITF meeting in a meaningful way it was
necessary to track the state of the 30 minute reserve constraint i.e. was
BME able to purchase sufficient 30 minute reserves to meet the pool 30
minute reserve requirement. LECG's information for the status of the 30
minute reserve constraint for hour beginning 0:00 was unreliable because of
data tranferral and processing problems so we made the very reasonable
assumption that in the middle of the night there is little chance that we
were reserve short. The footnote was entirely reasonable given the context
of the discussion for which the data was prepared.

Andrew Hartshorn